Chapter 7

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Murtasim couldn't help but feel sympathy towards Meerab. She had been upholding the weight of his late father's wish and realizing that his mother had not told Meerab about the true nature of the marriage, even though he had clearly instructed her to do so, made Murtasim feel more guilty. He couldn't help but wonder how his mother might had portrayed him to Meerab, prompting her acceptance so easily. The disappointment and confusion etched on Meerab's face, when he uttered those words, left him with a pang of regret, but he knew that unraveling what had been set in motion was beyond his control. The least he could offer was the freedom for her to freely navigate her life, accompanied by any financial support she might require. In all honesty, this union held little significance for him for he can never give place to anyone else in his heart anymore.

Murtasim's train of thoughts that had been disturbing him since last night had been broken by his mother who was instructing him to walk hand-in-hand with Meerab for the walima—the final event of the wedding that Murtasim was grateful to be approaching. As he approached his room, he expected her to be dressed for the event. However, the scene that greeted him was shocking enough for him to do a double take. Meerab was comfortably laying down on the sofa in her pink pajama set. Her hair was casually tied in a messy bun as she indulged in an episode of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" on her phone, laughter escaping her lips.

Murtasim's eyes widened in disbelief as they shifted towards the walima dress and jewelry sprawled untouched on the bed. It was perplexing; did she not realize there was still a significant event left? It seemed doubtful, given the buzz and activity throughout the house, emphasizing the importance of today's function. His mother had orchestrated the preparations meticulously, inviting a vast list of business associates, family friends, acquaintances, and extended family members for the walima ceremony. This event was meant to formally announce Murtasim and Meerab as a married couple to the world. Yet, here she was, seemingly oblivious to the occasion, behaving as if it were just another Saturday night.

Clearing his throat, Murtasim attempted to grab Meerab's attention, but she appeared engrossed in her phone, dismissing his presence. He finally called out, "Meerab," to which she responded with a casual wave, "Two minutes, this is just about to finish." Her nonchalant attitude began to stir annoyance in Murtasim.

"Meerab!" he asserted more urgently, but she remained unfazed. Deciding he had endured enough, Murtasim strode toward her and took her phone in his hand. "What the hell, do you not have any manners?" Meerab shot, looking up for the first time.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" Murtasim asked, turning off her phone and placing it aside. Meerab, clearly perplexed, retorted, "Dressed for what?"

"The walima function," Murtasim pressed, his patience wearing thin.

"What walima?" she inquired, seemingly oblivious, shrugging her shoulders. Murtasim's face scrunched in disbelief. "Do you have short-term memory loss? Our walima, yours and mine, we got married yesterday," he said, frustration evident in his voice.

"Oh, that marriage that's nothing more than a duty for you and the one you keep on running away from!" Meerab mocked, standing defiantly before him, arms folded in challenging disdain.

"What's wrong with you? Listen, we don't have time for this. Hurry up and get dressed. The guests have started to arrive, and Maa has called for us," Murtasim implored gravely as he tried to make her understand the severity of the moment.

"Nahi!" Meerab said casually, as she seemed unbothered. "Why?" Murtasim asked, exhaling loudly.

"Mujhe vibe nahi aarahi!" Meerab declared, sitting back down on the sofa. Murtasim was dumbfounded. What was this about? "Vibe nahi aarahi?" he thought, struggling to grasp the absurdity of the phrase. Murtasim knew that Meerab was bubbly and carefree but what he wasn't aware of was that she's extremely childish and annoying. He could feel his frustration escalating as he tried to make sense of her nonchalant response.

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