Chapter 37

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Murtasim had always been renowned for his unwavering patience and composed demeanor, as he effortlessly navigated challenges in both his industrial enterprises and feudal responsibilities. Whether it was overseeing his factories or fulfilling his duties, he had always remained a paragon of tranquility.

Even in academia, his professors and peers praised him for his adept problem-solving skills, as he always considering multiple perspectives and avoided making any impulsive decisions. However, today as he stood on the premises of the school in his Gaon, he found the limits of his composure being tested.

Their first stop was the school, where Shahmeer was warmly welcomed by the children and teachers there. Murtasim took charge of the tour, guiding Shahmeer through the premises and sharing insights into the school's development and history. As they walked among different classrooms, Murtasim couldn't ignore the deep conversation brewing between Shahmeer and Meerab as they walked together, side by side.

The atmosphere seemed to transform into a lively hub of creativity as both Shahmeer and Meerab engaged with the children. They sat down, painting and drawing alongside the kids, creating an animated environment filled with laughter and shared moments. This scene, that was unfolding in front of Murtasim, triggered memories of the last time Meerab had visited the school with him.

Nostalgia washed over Murtasim as he recalled the moments spent with Meerab in this very place. The echoing laughter, the innocent banter with the children and Meerab's warm smile — it all felt like a déjà vu, a reminder of a time when it was just him and Meerab, navigating the school's corridors together.

"Ah, they look good together, don't they? Just like a couple," Farukh injected into Murtasim's thoughts, his tone laced with a mischievous undertone. Murtasim shot him a stern look as Farukh was quick to continue his remark, "I mean, a couple of best friends."

Murtasim tried to ignore Farukh's comment, attempting to mask the subtle turmoil of emotions growing within him. However, Farukh's words hung in the air, adding a layer of complexity to an already intricate situation as Murtasim tried to brush off the discomfort bubbling inside of him.


The second stop on their Gaon trip was the hospital, a place integral to the community's well-being. Murtasim, once again leading the way with Shahmeer by his side, explained the hospital's significance, the medical services it offered, and the positive impact it had on the villagers.

As they entered the hospital, Murtasim noticed Shahmeer's genuine interest in the healthcare initiatives. Shahmeer engaged with the hospital staff, asking about their challenges and triumphs. Meerab also joined the conversation, as both of them shared their insights into the community's health progress.

Murtasim couldn't escape the observation that Shahmeer and Meerab were once again drawn together, reminisced about their university days, recalling various social work camps they had volunteered for. Murtasim found himself silently observing them, a knot of conflicting emotions tightening within him.

Farukh, being the annoying pest he was, nudged Murtasim once again with a smirk. "They make quite the team, right?"

Murtasim clenched his jaw, torn between acknowledging the chemistry he witnessed and the unspoken complexities of his emotions. The feeling of fury bubbling inside of him intensified, a tempest of emotions threatening to breach the calm facade he had meticulously maintained. The subtle dance of Meerab and Shahmeer's camaraderie seemed to cast shadows on the carefully constructed walls Murtasim had built around his feelings.


Their journey then led them to Meerab's favorite place—the expansive fields where the crops of wheat and cotton danced with the wind, and the presence of goats, or as Meerab used to call then "baby goats" , added an extra layer of charm. Meerab's eyes sparkled with joy as she guided Shahmeer into the heart of the flourishing landscape.

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