Chapter 17

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Meerab was genuinely delighted, a feeling she hadn't experienced in a long time. The gratitude she harbored towards Murtasim was profound, and she felt the need to express it. Murtasim's support for Amna had not only won the battle for the young girl but had also touched a chord in Meerab's heart.

With a determined smile, Meerab decided to do what she was best at—baking. However, as she entered the kitchen, a realization struck her—Murtasim wasn't particularly a sweet tooth, like her. Contemplating for a moment, she settled on a dessert that struck a balance between flavors—Tiramisu. It was a risk, considering Murtasim's taste, but Meerab could only think of this particular coffee dessert right now.

As Meerab looked around the kitchen, she found that the basic ingredients within reach, but a few essentials were missing. Turning to Farukh for help, Meerab handed him a list, prompting an unexpected reaction from him. "What? A tiramisu? For Murtasim?" Farukh exclaimed, his surprise evident.

Smirking at his astonished expression, Meerab chuckled, "Why are you so surprised?"

Farukh, raising an eyebrow, teased, "Well, for starters, I thought all you did was plan his murder in any way possible. Is this a unique way to execute your plan, Meerab?"

Rolling her eyes playfully, Meerab retorted, "What? No! Although he can be snotty and annoying, but what he did for Amna changed everyone's perspective. Murtasim's message made those women think about the possibility of change, and the glimmer of hope I saw in their eyes was priceless. So, this is just a gesture to thank him from my side."

Farukh, looking at her suspiciously, inquired, "Is it really just that?"

Meerab shook her head, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Farukh, go and get the things. The dessert needs time to cool as well."

As Farukh left, he couldn't resist a parting remark, "Murtasim is one lucky guy. Ya Khudaya, me when?"

Meerab blushed at the comment but dismissed it with a laugh. Little did Farukh know, this was Meerab's way of acknowledging the positive change that Murtasim's actions had brought, and perhaps, secretly hoping that this shared dessert would mark the beginning of a more harmonious relationship between them.


Murtasim, as usual, found himself arriving home late. The persistent challenges and responsibilities that came with managing the feudal duties with business had become a daily companion, a familiar strain on his mind. All he craved at this moment was a quiet retreat with a cup of strong black coffee.

Upon entering his room, Murtasim was surprised to find Meerab sitting on the sofa. "Oh, you're finally here," she exclaimed, rising from her seat and closing the distance between them. "Umm, yeah," was all Murtasim managed to reply, caught off guard by this unusual scene. Normally, Meerab would either be asleep or immersed in her laptop when he arrived this late.

"How was your day? Was it too tiring? Do you want coffee or tea?" she rattled off questions, her excitement palpable. "Is everything okay?" Murtasim inquired, sensing something out of the ordinary. "Yeah, why?" she replied nonchalantly, prompting a nod from Murtasim. "So, Mr. Khan, would you like to have some coffee?" she asked again.

Murtasim hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yeah, but I'll get it myself. You don't have to bother." Meerab shook her head. "No, no, I'll get it. You can go change and stuff," she insisted, rushing to the kitchen without further explanation, leaving Murtasim perplexed.

Meerab had arranged a small bowl of tiramisu and a steaming hot cup of black coffee on an ornate serving tray as she made her way back to their room. After living together for over a month, she couldn't help but notice Murtasim's preference for black coffee instead of the usual milky version. Although, it made absolutely no sense to Meerab on why would someone torture themselves by drinking this bitter stinging poison, that too willingly, yet somehow it perfectly matched Murtasim's personality.

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