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Murtasim felt a subtle unease settling within him, an acknowledgment that something was amiss with Meerab. The confusion lingered in his mind, but the wisdom gained from being a husband reminded him that the key to a happy marriage was understanding and making his wife happy. Haya's presence grated on his nerves, and he could barely endure her for more than a couple of minutes himself. So, Meerab's condition made perfect sense to him.

As he adorned himself in the black prince coat, the gold buttons catching the light, and sleek black pants, Murtasim's restlessness to see Meerab grew with every passing moment. The mere thirty-six hours of separation had intensified his yearning to be close to her.

As Murtasim navigated through the vibrant venue, a symphony of laughter and music enveloped him, creating an atmosphere charged with celebration. Familiar faces greeted him warmly, their smiles and well-wishes adding to the joyous ambiance. The air buzzed with excitement and camaraderie.

His eyes, however, were on a quest for one person – his Meerab. As he scanned the lively crowd, his heart quickened in anticipation. And then, he spotted her, standing amidst the festivities like a regal vision. Meerab, draped in a plum long shirt adorned with intricate gold embroidery and mirror work, captured the essence of grace and elegance. The ornate details on her outfit reflected the celebration's spirit, accentuating her natural charm.

The straight pants, perfectly matching the dupatta, completed the ensemble with finesse, adding a touch of sophistication to her attire. Her hair, artfully styled in a loose bun, bore delicate accessories that shimmered in harmony with the occasion. The tastefully applied makeup enhanced her features, embracing the heaviness with subtlety, allowing her natural beauty to shine through.

As Murtasim closed the distance, the vivacity of the venue seemed to fade away, leaving only Meerab in his focus. The ethereal sight of his wife, resplendent in her festive attire, invoked a swell of pride and love within him. The warm glow of the venue paled in comparison to the radiance that Meerab exuded.

Despite Meerab's breathtaking appearance, Murtasim noticed a subtle distress in her demeanor. She stood beside Haya, who seemed to chattering some nonsense, yet Meerab appeared disinterested, her gaze wandering elsewhere. Murtasim's heart swelled with affection as he approached her, his longing to hold her close increasing with each step.

Without a second thought, Murtasim enveloped Meerab in a warm embrace, surprising her. Their eyes met, and a smile spread across Murtasim's face.

"Did you miss me, Meri Jaan?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of love and mischief. Meerab's surprised expression transformed into a wide smile as she wholeheartedly nodded. As Murtasim and Meerab shared a moment, Haya's voice interrupted their proximity.

"Murtasim," Haya began, her tone carrying a hint of eagerness.

"Haya," Murtasim acknowledged, glancing at her briefly. Meerab internally snorted as she noticed Haya's cheeks turning pink as she fidgeted, attempting to tuck her hair behind her ear.

"Murtasim, how are you? Why didn't you—" Haya spoke as Murtasim interrupted her.

"Since when is grey my favorite color Haya? And even if it is, how would you know about that?" Murtasim inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Murtasim, I—umm," Haya stumbled over her words, feeling flustered by the unexpected question. Before she could respond, Murtasim continued, his voice laced with humor.

"Just for your information, I don't have a favorite color," Murtasim said, his voice carrying a tender warmth. His gaze shifted lovingly to Meerab, adding, "Mujhe har woh rang pasand hai jo meri biwi pehnti hai (I just fall in love with every color that adorns my wife.) And that just ends up being the most beautiful hue in the world."

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