Chapter 28

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There was an obvious unease in Meerab's demeanor, and Murtasim couldn't ignore the change that had overcome her since her birthday night. It was as if she had encountered a ghost that haunted her thoughts, considering how blank she had been these days. Despite his constant attempts to talked, Meerab seemed to be avoiding him, retreating into her own world.

Even when Murtasim managed to arrive home earlier than usual, hoping to get a glimpse of her anywhere except their room, he found her already tucked into bed. Her nights were filled with elusive slumber, and the mornings witnessed her sleeping in late, a stark contrast from her usual routine. It was quite obvious that she was trying to avoid having any encounter with him.

The lack of activity in Meerab's daily activities only deepened the mystery. She used to get up early on Sundays, water the plants and baked something sweet but now she just stalled through the garden aimlessly. Murtasim had also noticed how the dustbin adjacent to Meerab's side table, that was previously a filled with many chocolate wrappers, now stood conspicuously empty. Even her appetite seemed to have waned, as noted by Maa Begum, who expressed concern over Meerab's withdrawn state and limited time spent outside her room.

Murtasim pondered whether the root of this change lay in her birthday celebration. While she had initially shown happiness that night, he couldn't help but wonder if something had unsettled her afterwards. Or maybe Maa Begum had said something to her, but that was also not possible because knowing Meerab, she would have thrown a whole tantrum about it and ranted until she felt at ease. However, she just remained silent. The vibrant, talkative girl he knew seemed to have receded into herself now.

Even her nightly routine rants had dwindled to mere monosyllabic responses. Murtasim's attempts at initiating a conversation were met with curt 'hmm' and one-word answers, leaving him confused. Questions swirled in Murtasim's mind—had he offended her in any way? Or was it something related to her work that disturbed her? Did she miss her father? All of these possibilities clouded over his mind as he tried to comprehend Meerab's current behavior.

"Khan, Khan, Murtasim!?" Farukh's urgent voice snapped Murtasim out of his contemplation. He turned his attention away from the window, where he could still see Meerab strolling in the garden, lost in thought. His blank stare mirrored the confusion within.

"Hmm?" Murtasim responded absentmindedly, his mind still tethered to the mystery of Meerab's change. Her once glowing, beaming face now wearing a gloomy look.

Farukh, noticing Murtasim's distracted state, asked with concern, "Everything alright, Khan? You seem a bit off today."

Murtasim sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know, Farukh. Something's not right with Meerab. She's been so unlikely herself lately, and I can't figure out why."

Farukh, glancing at Meerab in the garden, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I've noticed it too. She looks... I don't know, almost depressed."

Concern etched across Murtasim's face deepened. "Has she mentioned anything to you? I mean, you guys are friends, right? She might have told you something."

Farukh shook his head, a hint of worry in his eyes. "Not really. She's been staying in her room most of the time, and we haven't interacted much for almost two weeks now. It's like she's built this wall around her, and I'm just left worrying about what's going on inside."

Murtasim leaned back, his mind grappling with the weight of the situation. The enigma surrounding Meerab's abrupt transformation appeared to be encased in an impenetrable fog. "I wonder what's wrong, though," he mused, his voice tinged with a mixture of concern and confusion.

Farukh, offering a thoughtful perspective, chimed in, "Maybe she misses her father, or, you know, her friends back in London. She's mentioned how boring it gets here many times, so maybe that's the reason."

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