Chapter 41

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As the panchayat collectively owned an apology to Murtasim Khan, discussions about compensation echoed in the air, but Murtasim's mind was elsewhere. The weight of the day, the confrontation, and Zubair's arrest hung heavily on him, but his primary concern was Meerab. Despite attempting to call her, he couldn't reach her, intensifying his yearning to return home as soon as possible.

The journey back was a cascade of varied thoughts, with Murtasim's mind inevitably drifting back to Mahi. Would she have been happy today, witnessing the culmination of justice? The cruel hands of fate had turned her vibrant dreams into a tragedy orchestrated by Malik Zubair's viciousness. Murtasim's heart ached at the unfairness of it all. Mahi, with her ambitions and joyous spirit, deserved so much more than the tragic end she met. The incident had abruptly halted her aspirations, leaving behind a void of unfulfilled dreams.

As the car traversed the roads, Murtasim couldn't escape the replay of their last conversation. The wounds of their final argument still pierced his heart. "If only they hadn't fought that day," he mused, grappling with the cruel twists of fate. There was an unspoken regret, a heavy burden that Murtasim carried, a punishment, as he saw it, for not having the chance to say a proper goodbye to Mahi.

With Mahi's absence cast a poignant shadow over him, and amidst the haunting memories, Murtasim became acutely aware of the people still present in his life, especially Meerab. The realization struck him with a profound sense of gratitude and urgency. The car journey became a contemplative space where he acknowledged the value of the relationships he held dear.

The thought of almost losing Meerab intensified the emotional tumult within him. What if he hadn't reached in time? The possibilities scared him to the core as he navigated his way back home.

Love— how it had woven its intricate threads around his heart once again? For years, his heart had been encaptured by Mahi's memory, a lingering presence that had defined his emotional landscape. Yet, amidst the complexities of life, a new chapter had unknowingly unfolded, and in the midst of it, he didn't even realized how Meerab had crept her way into his heart.

The profound shift in his emotions left Murtasim grappling with questions. How had he fallen in love with Meerab? Was it even possible to replace the profound connection he had once felt with Mahi? The answers eluded him, but one undeniable truth surfaced—his heart, once bounded to Mahi, now beat with a different rhythm for Meerab.

The complexity of his emotions grasped him, and he pondered the inexplicable nature of love. What had he done to deserve Meerab's presence in his life? The answer remained elusive, yet Murtasim found solace in the certainty that her companionship brought.

Meerab had become the anchor in the storm of his emotions, providing a peace that had eluded him for years. The same peace that he had been seeking in the bitterness of whiskey, the tranquility of the lake, or the busyness of his duties, had now been intricately tied to Meerab.

Amidst the turmoil, Meerab's face emerged in his mind—her vulnerability, her silent suffering, and the resilient strength she had displayed in the face of adversity. The desire to be with her, to assure her safety, became a palpable need that surpassed the lingering regrets of the past. Murtasim found solace in the idea of returning to Meerab, a haven where he could find comfort and perhaps help heal the wounds that still lingered between them.


As Murtasim entered his room, the darkness enveloped him. The moonlight streamed through the window, casting a soft glow, revealing Meerab's silhouette lying in bed, engulfed in the warmth of the comforter.

As Murtasim walked towards her, he noticed that her her pillow had been stained with evidence of silent tears. Murtasim's heart clenched at the sight, and he knelt down beside her. Gently touching her face, he whispered, "Meerab," his voice filled with concern.

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