Chapter 24

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"Meerab, Meerab beta. Wake up. It's almost 12 pm," Maa Begum's gentle voice reached Meerab's ears, tugging her from the grasp of slumber. The remnants of a late-night binge-watching session had cast a heavy haze over her senses. The chaotic energy of "The Office" had proven too potent, chaining her to the screen for one more episode and then another, until the night unfolded into the early hours of the morning.

Accompanying this comical escape had been the remnants of the scrumptious brownies she had devoured, a nostalgic echo of her past life in London. However, the only difference now was the absence of the man sleeping beside her.

As Meerab reluctantly opened her eyes, an unsettling sensation gripped her stomach. The knotting feeling intensified, making her clutch her stomach as she straightened against her pillows. Her gaze met Maa Begum's worried eyes.

"Are you okay? You've never slept in this late before, so I thought I should check on you. I knocked twice, but you didn't answer, so I had to come in," Maa Begum inquired with genuine concern, her voice laden with motherly care. However, Meerab struggled to focus on anything other than the throbbing pain in her head and the tight knot in her stomach.

Inhaling deeply, Meerab attempted to reassure her, "Yes, I'm fine, Maa Be—" Before she could finish her sentence, a sudden wave of nausea overcame her. The urgent need to throw up became evident, and Meerab hurriedly sprinted towards the bathroom, desperately leaning over the sink as she emptied the contents of her stomach. Damn those brownies she thought as she could faintly hear Murtasim's cautious warning about the cocoa powder being expired.

Meerab slowly regained her composure, washed up, and attempted to look presentable. As she emerged from the bathroom, she was met with Maa Begum standing outside, wearing the brightest smile that left Meerab utterly confused. Just moments ago, this woman was concerned about her, and now she's grinning at her post-throwing up? Meerab couldn't understand the sudden change.

Maa Begum rushed towards Meerab with an excitement that left her bewildered. "Meerab, are you okay?" she asked with bubbly enthusiasm. Meerab nodded awkwardly, still processing the rollercoaster of emotions of Maa begum.

"Oh my God, I'm so happy!" Maa Begum exclaimed, leaving Meerab perplexed. "Maa Begum, I just threw up. What's there to be happy about?" Meerab questioned, trying to make sense of the situation.

Maa Begum beamed and replied, "Well, this happens in such conditions." Meerab shot her a puzzled look. "Maa Begum, what are you saying? What condition?" she asked, genuinely confused.

"You're pregnant!" Maa Begum declared with unwavering excitement, leaving Meerab utterly flabbergasted. She wondered if Maa Begum had some sort of ultrasound scanner hidden in her eyes to make such claims without any evidence.

But before Meerab could protest, Maa Begum continued, "I'm so happy. I can't believe that I'll be holding my grandchild in my hands. Ya Allah, thank you for blessing us with such great news. Look, I'm already crying."

"Maa Begum, please stop; this isn't—" Meerab tried to interject, but Maa Begum seemed impervious to anything contrary.
"You know, I had a dream last night, and I saw a little bundle of joy in your arms. It must have been a sign!" Maa Begum exclaimed with wide-eyed enthusiasm.

"Maa Begum, I appreciate your excitement, but there's been a misunderstanding. I'm—" Meerab attempted to clarify, desperation creeping into her voice but Maa begum had cut her once again as she engulfed Meerab in a warm hug.

"I'll go and distribute methai everywhere. This is such great news. Meerab, you should rest here; don't worry yourself with anything now. I'll send some fruits and milk for you," Maa Begum continued excitedly, turning to leave Meerab feeling anxious and confused.

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