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The fields in goan stretched out endlessly, a sea of vibrant green that seemed to ripple with life. The air was infused with the scent of earth and blooming flowers, a gentle breeze carrying the whispers of nature's lullaby. As the sun started to dip lower on the horizon, casting a warm palette of orange and pink across the sky, the fields transformed into a canvas of tranquility.

In the embrace of the lush surroundings, Meerab and Murtasim found their haven. The grass caressed their bodies as they lay side by side, the earth beneath them offering a comforting foundation. The distant rustle of leaves and the subtle cooing of the birds created a melody that accompanied the serene tableau.

Murtasim's arms cradled Meerab, creating a cocoon of proximity amidst the vast expanse of the fields. His fingers traced soothing patterns on her back, the warmth of their connection reflected in the soft glow of the setting sun. Meerab lay on Murtasim's chest, her ear tuned to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a melody that resonated with the peace of the moment.

"Life is just so unpredictable, isn't it?" Murtasim broke the comforting silence between them, his voice carrying the weight of contemplation.

Murtasim's fingers idly traced patterns on Meerab's arm as he absorbed the beauty of the changing sky. "There was a time when I thought that I'd never be happy again," Murtasim confessed, his voice carrying the weight of a past shadowed by sorrow. Meerab, understanding the depth of his emotions, gently caressed his cheek, a tender reassurance.

"But then Allah gave you to me, and suddenly everything became beautiful once again. I found my happiness in the way the morning sun teases you, the sparkle in your eyes when you talk about anything you love, the subtle huff when annoyance crosses your face, these cute chubby rosy cheeks of yours, the sheer delight in your happiness, the playful roll of your eyes, and the soft hum of songs while baking – these became the treasures I've savored in our wonderful six years together.

Your infectious laughter, your warmth – they became my anchors, grounding me in a reality that was more beautiful than any dream. It's as if, through you, I discovered a whole new dimension of existence."

Murtasim eyes met Meerab's, a gesture filled with gratitude and sincerity. His gaze then traced the contours of Meerab's face, his fingers delicately brushing over her eyes, cheeks, and finally, intertwining their hands. He brought their intertwined hands to his lips, placing a tender kiss on Meerab's hand, a silent expression of the deep connection they shared.

"In your eyes, Meerab, I find the reflection of our journey – the joy, the challenges, and a love that has only deepened with the passage of time. Your love has been a guiding light, casting away the shadows in my life and lifting the eclipse from my heart. Through you, I've discovered a form of joy that colors every part of our shared journey. So, thank you, Meerab. Thank you for being the melody in my laughter, the warmth in my heart, and the extraordinary beauty that brightens every corner of my world."

Their eyes met, and Murtasim gently touched Meerab's face, his fingers tracing the path of their shared history. He leaned in, placing a soft kiss on her forehead, sealing the sentiment with a tender embrace. "With you, every day is a celebration, and every moment is a testament to the incredible happiness that is you."

As Meerab's eyes shimmered with tears, she gazed into Murtasim's eyes, her voice carrying the weight of gratitude and love.

"Murtasim, words always fall short when I try to express how profoundly you've touched my life. In the midst of the unconventional tale of our marriage, you've consistently respected, valued, and understood me—even during moments when I couldn't understand myself. Your kindness has been a comforting ray of light in a world that can be unforgiving, and in moments of uncertainty, you've been my anchor, providing a sense of certainty.

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