Chapter 50

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Meerab stood still, her heart skipping a beat, the words hanging in the air like a delicate vow. Did Murtasim really just say what she thought she heard? Did he truly love her? Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, Meerab broke away from his arms, turning to look at him with wide, questioning eyes. Murtasim stood there, a small smile playing on his lips, and his eyes reflecting the raw emotion he had just confessed – a depth of love that Meerab hadn't fully recognized until now.

Murtasim, with unwavering sincerity, held her gaze. "Yes, Meerab. I have fallen deeply and irrevocably in love with you," he confessed once again, as if sensing the need to reaffirm his emotions. The room seemed to pulse with the weight of his words, and Meerab's heart burst with a rush of emotions she struggled to put into words.

Murtasim gently took Meerab's hand in his, caressing it with a tenderness that spoke volumes. In that moment, Meerab's mind buzzed with a plethora of questions. When did he start loving her? Why hadn't he told her earlier? And, most importantly, where was his everlasting love for Mahi now?

Meerab inhaled deeply, clearing her throat as she gathered her thoughts. "But—but what about your promise to love Mahi till your last breath? What—what does all of this mean?" she asked, her insecurities creeping back into the forefront of her mind.

Murtasim took a moment, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sincerity and regret. "It's true that I loved Mahi deeply. I loved her so intensely that the thought of not being with her felt like a slow death. For years, I lived in a dark abyss, lost from the light of life. I convinced myself I'd never smile again. But, Meerab, you changed that. You gave me a reason to smile, and in doing so, you brought back the joys of life to me. You pulled me out of my misery and made me realize that all those years, the emotion tying me to Mahi wasn't entirely love; it was mostly my guilt."

Murtasim continued, his voice carrying the weight of the revelation. "The guilt of our fight, the guilt of not being able to say goodbye, and the guilt of her passing away because of me. It masked itself as undying love, but it was, in reality, a heavy burden I carried. It is true that I may not be able to entirely erase Mahi's memories that are buried within me somewhere, but Meerab, with you I found a love that's unburdened by guilt and regret—a love that's genuine and freeing."

He squeezed Meerab's hand, his touch reassuring. "You've given me a second chance at happiness, and for that, I'm eternally grateful. Our love is a new beginning, unshackled from the shadows of the past. I promise to cherish you, to love you honestly, and to make each day brighter than the last."

Meerab tried to take in all of that information, attempting to make sense of the emotional whirlwind around her. Yet, the vulnerability of her love left her feeling fragile, her heart exposed. "I don't want you to love me out of loneliness or sorrow. I don't want to be a rebound, Murtasim," she choked on her words, the weight of her fears evident in her trembling voice.

Murtasim, sensing the depth of her emotions, paused. He gently cupped Meerab's face, his touch both tender and reassuring. With the pad of his thumb, he wiped away a stray tear that escaped her eyes. His gaze bore into hers, earnest and unwavering, a silent promise that he was there to stay.

"Meerab," Murtasim began, his voice a soft murmur that cut through the emotional tension, "I didn't love you out of loneliness or sorrow. I was fine in the dark, but your presence made me want to step out from the shadows of the past. You're not a rebound or a replacement, Meri Jaan."

He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment. "You are the sunrise after a long night, the melody in the quiet, and the warmth that chases away the cold. I chose you because, in your presence, I found a love that goes beyond the need to fill a void. It's a love that stands on its own, unburdened by the past, and ready to create a beautiful future together."

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