Chapter 36

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Murtasim and Meerab had finally settled into a semblance of normalcy. After days of awkwardly avoiding each other, they had seamlessly slipped back into their normal routine. Nights were once again filled with Meerab animatedly recounting her day until she drifted into sleep, and Murtasim patiently listening to her, occasionally interjecting with a comment or a gentle tease.

The room was once again adorned with the soft glow of a bedside lamp, casting a warm ambiance that enveloped them in a comforting cocoon. Murtasim, perched on his side of the bed, would attentively listen to Meerab's rants, his gaze fixed on her as she shared her thoughts and experiences about the panchayat or maybe anything new she saw when she went out. As the night progressed, he would gently adjust the blanket to accommodate Meerab's weird sleeping positions, with a small smile playing on his face.

However, the serenity took an unexpected turn when Meerab approached Murtasim with news of Shahmeer's call about the gaon tour.

"Mr. Khan, Shahmeer called me today," Meerab informed him, her eyes reflecting curiosity. "He asked if you're free for touring this week."

Murtasim sighed at the mention of Shahmeer, While he did have a relatively free schedule, but did he wanted to spend it with Shahmeer? Nope! "Oh, Meerab, I'm sorry I won't be free this week. I have a number of tasks to deal with. Perhaps next week would work better for me."

Meerab nodded understandingly, "Alright, I'll tell him."

Murtasim couldn't help but smirk as Meerab left. Mission ditching Shahmeer and preserving mental peace, has been successful, he exclaimed mentally. But little did he know that Meerab's persistence would unravel his carefully crafted plans.

The following days brought repeated inquiries from Meerab, each time met with Murtasim conjuring up creative excuses to evade Shahmeer's proposed tour. Irritation began to gnaw at him as Meerab's concern for Shahmeer's plans annoyed him.

One morning, expecting the usual inquiry about his availability, Murtasim was taken back when Meerab approached him with a different request. Grinning, she caught him off guard, "Mr. Khan, since you're heading out anyway, could you drop me off at the shopping mall? I'm feeling a bit bored and I have to buy a few things as well so,"

Caught off guard, Murtasim cleared his throat, his mind scrambling to adjust to this request. "Alright, I'll drop you off," he replied as Meerab nodded excitedly.


The drive to the shopping mall was filled with easy conversation. Upon arrival, Murtasim turned to Meerab. "So, when should I pick you up?" he inquired.

"I don't know, maybe in an hour or two?" Meerab replied.

"Alright then, give me a call, and I'll be here," Murtasim said with a nod. Just as Meerab was about to step out, he gently stopped her. "Wait, Meerab," he said, reaching into his pocket. She looked at him curiously as he handed her his card.

"What's this?" Meerab questioned.

"It's a credit card," Murtasim shrugged.

"I know, but why are you giving this to me? Do you want something?" Meerab questioned, looking at the card in her hand.

Murtasim chuckled, his eyes filled with warmth. "No, Meerab. I'm giving it to you so that you can use it. You mentioned wanting to buy a few things, right?"

Meerab was genuinely surprised. "But Mr. Khan, I can't take this. I have my own money. You don't need to—"

"But I want to," Murtasim interrupted, smiling warmly. "Besides, I'm your husband. I deserve to do this much right?"

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