Chapter 21

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After Meerab and Murtasim had returned to Hyderabad, they settled back into their daily life activities. With Meerab busy with the panchayat work and Murtasim juggling responsibilities at the factories and his feudal duties, their interactions were often limited to the quiet moments they shared at night.

During these moments, Meerab would enthusiastically recount the events of her day, sharing the challenges and victories she encountered in her work. Murtasim, in turn, would lie beside her, his silence a patient invitation for her to express herself.

In these nightly conversations, Murtasim learned a many things about Meerab. He discovered that her all-time favorite movie was Harry Potter, and she had not only read all the books but also watched all the movies multiple times. Meerab shared how, during every December, she used to organize a movie marathon with the kids in her orphanage, creating a festive atmosphere filled with laughter and the magic of J.K. Rowling's world.

Her favorite food was pizza. Meerab spoke animatedly about her love for different pizza toppings and her occasional indulgence in this comfort food. Murtasim had also gotten to know that her favorite singer was Shawn Mendes, someone he wasn't quite familiar with. Meerab enthusiastically shared that her absolute favorite song was "Falling All In You." As she hummed a few lines, her eyes lit up with infectious joy.

Murtasim realized that while a part of Meerab was quite Westernized, but her love for Bollywood added a touch of desi-ness to her. Murtasim had closely observed her as she spoke enthusiastically about her favorite actors, classic films, and the magical world of Indian cinema that she cherished.

However, what surprised Murtasim the most was the fact that Meerab was a Queen's Mary graduate, that too with a degree that he didn't really thought Meerab about be interested in.

"You know, Mr. Khan, I've studied Economics and International Relations at Queen Mary University," Meerab casually dropped another unknow fact about herself.

Murtasim, genuinely taken aback, raised an eyebrow. "You did? Economics and International Relations? From Queen Mary University?"

Meerab chuckled at Murtasim's surprise. "Yes, indeed. And I graduated with high honors, actually."

Murtasim, still processing this unexpected piece of information, stuttered a bit before regaining composure. "I never would have guessed."

Meerab eyed Murtasim, a playful smirk on her lips. "And why is that so? Do I look like a dumb person to you?"

Murtasim quickly shook his head, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "No, no, it's just that you look like you'd study something like... I don't know, perhaps literature or arts."

Meerab cut him off with a laugh, "Mr. Khan, I assure you, I can be just as interested in GDPs and international diplomacy as I am in literature. People are full of surprises, aren't they?"

"Well then, consider me pleasantly surprised, Miss Meerab," Murtasim smiled, his eyes reflecting a genuine curiosity.

"Okay, now enough of me. At this point, you know almost everything about me, whereas I know nothing about you. This isn't quite a fair trade in business, Mr. Khan, so spill information about yourself as well," Meerab teased, her eyes dancing with playful anticipation.

"Me? I'm not that much of an interesting person, Meerab," Murtasim said.

"Oh, please tell me. There might be something." Meerab pleaded.

"Well, I like horse riding and hunting." Murtasim confessed.

"Ah, classic feudal lord qualities," Meerab said as Murtasim looked at her, confused.

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