Chapter 43

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Meerab had always considered herself to be a fighter, never one to back down from challenges or run away from difficulties. However, she had realized that love had made her weak. Her love for Murtasim had the power to transform her strength into a perceived weakness, compelling her to avoid any confrontation with him, despite the relentless pleas of her heart urging her to at least talk to him once.

Her nights were consumed by wakefulness, a relentless tide of doubts crashing against the shores of her consciousness. Did she act too hastily in signing those divorce papers! Was it a decision fueled by impulsiveness rather than reason? The haunting questions reverberated through her mind, echoing the possibility that talking to Murtasim might have bridged the chasm that had formed between them.

Perhaps, if she had talked Murtasim instead of abruptly leaving, they could have reached a common ground or he might have dispelled her insecurities with a reassuring conversation. The weight of these unexplored possibilities bore heavily on her, yet she grappled with the realization that dwelling on irreversibility was of no use now.

Torn between regret and the acknowledgment that Murtasim, too, might have chosen to end their relationship by signing those papers, Meerab grappled with the futility of incessant contemplation. The relentless thoughts threatened to engulf her, which is why, for the past month, she had poured her energy into managing her orphanage, volunteering for various NGOs, and assisting her father's company. Anything that could offer a respite from the tumultuous contemplation of Murtasim became a sanctuary for her troubled mind.

While Meerab was busy navigating her own thoughts and emotions, Anwar Khan couldn't help but be deeply concerned about her well-being. The day she appeared at his doorstep left him taken aback; dark under-eye bags and a weary smile adorned Meerab as she embraced him tightly upon opening the door. Despite Anwar's persistent inquiries about Murtasim, Meerab deflected the questions, saying how she was too exhausted or busy to talk.

In the weeks that followed, she remained tight-lipped about Murtasim or the reasons for her abrupt return. Anwar, respecting her need for silence and privacy, refrained from pressing further. However, he couldn't ignore the noticeable change in Meerab's demeanor. She barely ate anything and rarely ventured outside during the initial week. Most concerning was her newfound silence, often lost in contemplation, and the absence of her regular chess matches with Anwar. Even her once radiant smile, which had illuminated Anwar Khan's life, seemed to be overshadowed by an unseen darkness.

Anwar Khan's worry grew, and despite his desire for answers, he refused to pressure Meerab. Instead, he reached out to the one person he had entrusted his daughter to – Murtasim. However, his calls also went unanswered, leaving Anwar with no choice but to seek answers elsewhere. Turning to Maa Begum, Anwar Khan was finally able to learn the harrowing truth. From Malik Zubair's kidnapping of Meerab to Murtasim's complicated history with Mahi and Meerab's subsequent decision to depart– the entire saga unfolded before him.

Anwar's anger flared, directed at Maa Begum for allowing his daughter to endure such suffering and Murtasim for treating her so poorly. However, as Maa Begum tearfully revealed Murtasim's own struggles, Anwar's anger transformed into empathy for both of them. Ending the call, he slowly approached Meerab's room, the weight of his insistence on Meerab marrying Murtasim settling heavily on him. Guilt gnawed at him, realizing the unintended consequences of his actions as he prepared to confront the daughter he cherished.

"Meerab," he called out, his voice barely louder than a whisper. Meerab, who had been curled up in her bed, stirred and turned to her father as he took a seat beside her, his head hanging low under the weight of his emotions.

"Yes, Dad?" Meerab replied, her voice a delicate reflection of the exhaustion that had settled in her spirit.

Anwar, with a sigh, spoke with a mix of concern and love. "I understand, my dear, that you may not be ready to talk about this, but I need to know something. I just spoke with Bhabi Sahib, and she told me everything, but I want to hear it from you, in your own words."

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