Chapter 44

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Murtasim had been immersed in the bustling city of London for the past week, his mind constantly fixated on the life-changing decision that brought him here. It all began when he stumbled upon a post on Meerab's orphanage page about the vacancy for a legal advisor, a blessing in disguise that convinced him of that the divine made him study law only for this day, to bring back his estranged wife.

His eagerness to fly back to Meerab was palpable, fueled by the burning desire to express his profound love for her. However, the weight of ongoing responsibilities demanded his attention as well. The trial of Malik Zubair's case, the intricacies of the family factories, and the burdensome feudal responsibilities loomed over him.

"I want to bring back Meerab," he broke the news one day as Farukh and Maa begum were sitting in the living room. they looked at him with confusion as he continued, "it's been two months. I can't keep on sitting here and do nothing." Murtasim spoke, with unwavering determination.

"But what about—" Farukh began to voice his concerns, but Murtasim, huffing in annoyance, interrupted him. "I don't care about anything, Farukh! I don't care if Meerab wants to see me or not, if she needs time, or even if she hates me. I need to make sure she knows what I feel. And if, even after that, she doesn't want me, I'll come back. But I cannot continue sitting here like a loser!" Murtasim's authoritative voice left no room for argument, his resolve cutting through any potential objections.

As the weight of his words settled in the room, Farukh and Maa Begum exchanged glances, recognizing the depth of Murtasim's emotions.

"You're right. We should have never kept you here for so long in the first place, Murtasim," Maa Begum said as Farukh patted Murtasim's arm.

"You don't have to worry about anything. I'll take care of everything here. And I'm sorry, Murtasim. I shouldn't have hidden all of this from you. I know I should have told you about Meerab leaving, but please understand that I couldn't have broken my promise to her as well," Farukh explained.

"I know, Farukh. You don't have to apologize. I understand that you were torn between the two of us, and you did what you thought was best. And I'm actually sorry for what I did that day. I shouldn't have--" Murtasim began to say.

Farukh smiled as he hugged Murtasim. "Shut up now and go and get your wife!"

With that, both Maa Begum and Farukh had pledged to manage everything in his absence, urging him to return only when Meerab was by his side. The living room, once filled with tension, now resonated with a sense of understanding and support, as Murtasim embarked on a journey to reconcile with his love and confront the challenges that lay ahead.


Having cleared the obstacles back in Pakistan, Murtasim found himself in the bustling city of London and he tried to seize the opportunity to be close to Meerab. He purchased a house near hers, fortuitously finding one directly opposite hers. As he laid eyes on her for the first time in two months, a potent mix of anticipation and apprehension stirred within his racing heart.

Meerab, sitting on her balcony window, appeared like a faded reflection of her former self. The once vibrant rosy cheeks had surrendered to a more slender countenance, and the infectious smile that used to grace her lips had been replaced by an air of melancholy. The sparkle that once inhabited her doe eyes, reflecting boundless joy, was prominently absent. The absence of her nose ring, a subtle yet significant detail, hinted at the profound changes she had undergone. It was as if she wanted to distance herself from her life in Pakistan, deliberately disassociating every minor memory attached to it.

With her legs gently folded against her chest, Meerab sat in contemplation, her gaze fixated on the vast expanse of the sky. Murtasim, with keen observation, observed the delicate nuances of distress that lingered beneath the surface. Her eyes, once radiant, now welled up with emotions, mirroring the profound depth of feelings she concealed within. The overwhelming desire to rush towards her, envelope her in his arms, and provide comfort tugged at Murtasim's heartstrings. However, the lingering awareness of unresolved issues acted as a tether, compelling him to exercise patience until the opportune moment unfolded.

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