Chapter 6

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Meerab couldn't figure out whether the chill she felt was due to cold feet or the sudden pang of regret that had gripped her. The living room of the Khan Haveli buzzed with joy, filled with people singing songs and enveloped in a cheerful atmosphere. Clad in a rust-colored, long dress adorned with delicate gold embroidery, Meerab, in the midst of relatives, found herself battling rising anxiety, making each heartbeat feel like a drum in her chest.

For this intimate, in-house event, Meerab had opted for a minimalist approach to makeup. The beauty of the flower earrings accentuated her natural beauty, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions swirling within her. As the celebration unfolded around her, Meerab found herself frequently zoning out, her mind wandering into uncharted territories.

In the midst of the festivities, the thought of Murtasim invaded her consciousness. It struck her that, amid the celebrations, she hadn't caught a glimpse of him in the last two weeks. The realization hit her like a sudden gust of wind. When she had agreed to the marriage, Maa Begum's exhilarated embrace and her father's euphoric smile had surrounded her. The whirlwind preparations, unknowingly to her, had already been in full swing. Meerab hadn't grasped the extent of their readiness until Maa Begum declared the wedding dates. Invitations were sent the next day, dresses had already been tailored – everything meticulously arranged, with her consent being the final piece of the puzzle.

Because of which, a question lingered in Meerab's mind: was her approval a mere formality for a predetermined event that would have unfolded regardless of her decision? Her uncertainty deepened as she contemplated the apparent confidence exuded by her family. Yet, in-between the orchestrated chaos, one critical element was prominently absent – Murtasim, the man to whom she was to be bound in wedlock.

His absence, from the moment the wedding was announced, stirred a disconcerting realization within her. She pondered whether he, too, concealed regrets about their impending union or if, like her, the weight of familial duty burdened his conscience. In the midst of the joyous celebration, Meerab yearned for a conversation with him, an opportunity to get rid of any misconceptions or unrealistic expectations that might linger between them later on. The desire to precautionary address potential conflicts fueled her desperation, but Murtasim Khan remained missing.

As the tempest of thoughts raged within Meerab, a sudden voice shattered her contemplation. "Murtasim's here!" Maa Begum's announcement snapped Meerab's attention toward the entrance. Dressed in a simple white shalwar kameez and a black blazer, Murtasim appeared disinterested as he navigated the crowded lounge to take a seat beside her. Meerab's keen observation revealed more than just his attire – he seemed tired, with eyes attempting to conceal true emotions, though a hint of forcefulness lingered beneath the surface. The small, forced smile he shared with his mother heightened Meerab's anxiety. Was he, too, being pushed into this union? Had his initial agreement been willingly given, or was there an element of manipulation at play?

These unsettling thoughts swirled in Meerab's mind as she fought to maintain composure. The awkward tension between them became suffocating as they sat close to each other, drowning out the fading music in the background. Despite the festive atmosphere, Meerab felt an urgency to break the silence and have the conversation that had been dodging them.

With a determined vow, she decided to confront Murtasim face-to-face tonight after the event, seeking to unravel his true intentions before either of them ended up ruining both lives, forever.


Murtasim found himself in the grip of an intense desire to break free. A relentless pounding in his head, fueled by the after effects of alcohol and the strain of consecutive sleepless nights over the past nights, left him yearning for a refuge, a place far away, nestled in the comforting embrace of mountains where no one could intrude.

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