Chapter 8

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As the first rays of dawn touched the Khan haveli, casting a warm glow upon its ancient walls, Murtasim slipped through the main gate into the house, his footsteps echoing softly in the stillness of the morning. He moved with a cautiousness that belied his usual confident stride, his mind preoccupied with the possibility of a looming confrontation with his mother, who might have a list of questions awaiting him sensing his absence from the house all night. However, just as he reached the threshold of his house, a voice halted him in his tracks.

"Did you go there again?" Farukh inquired, his expression a mix of concern and disapproval. Murtasim stilled as he turned to look at Farukh, who stood behind him.

"I did," he confessed nonchalantly, his voice betraying a hint of defiance.

Farukh, his brow furrowed in worry, pressed on, "Khan, you're married now. You cannot keep on vanishing like this. What would Meerab Bibi think?"

Murtasim's brows furrowed as he looked at Farukh with a hints of frustration, "I know that I'm married Farukh! You don't need to go on and on about it and I don't care what she thinks," he snapped, his voice laced with bitterness. "anyway, this marriage is nothing but a compromise for both of us."

Farukh, undeterred by Murtasim's dismissive attitude, stood firm in his conviction. "Whatever the circumstances of your marriage may be, the truth remains that Meerab is your wife and the Khaani now, and it's better if you understand that as soon as you can," he asserted, his voice resonating with both caution and empathy.

Murtasim turned away abruptly, his shoulders tense, unwilling to engage in any further discussion. He knew Farukh was right, but he couldn't bear to confront the reality of his situation as well.


Stepping into his room, Murtasim caught sight of Meerab rising from the bed, her hair in disarray. He silently thanked his luck that she hadn't noticed his absence, for he was in no mood for another verbal battle.

"Why are you staring at me?" snapped Meerab, shooting him an unimpressed glance Murtasim, feigning nonchalance, replied, "Why would I?" as he made his way towards the bathroom but Meerab's voice cut through the air.

"Mr. Khan, now that we're roommates now and since you love the concept of personal space so much, I hope you know that you need to make space for my things in your room as well. Equal share on the dresser, in the cupboard, and bathroom shelves. Sort that out before heading to work," she declared, asserting her claim on the territory.

Murtasim nodded, attempting a diplomatic exit, but Meerab wasn't done.

"And don't forget, we're sharing chores so you have to make this bed with me as well," she announced, leaving no room for negotiation.

Murtasim, visibly annoyed, turned toward her as she shrugged towards him, confused with his reaction. He spoke in a protesting way "Why do I have to make the bed? And you don't have to do it as well, the maid will take care of it."

Meerab laughed mockingly, her voice carrying a touch of sarcasm. "I think we're old enough to be handling this ourselves. Why bother someone for such a task? The maids have enough to deal with already. And besides, think of it as a team-building exercise since we're intertwined in a business arrangement."

Murtasim, rolling his eyes at Meerab's attempt at justifying their domestic duties, made a beeline for the bathroom. He couldn't help but wear a bemused yet annoyed expression, leaving behind a disappointed yet not entirely surprised Meerab.

As he closed the bathroom door, Meerab called out with a smirk, "Don't worry, Mr. Khan, you might discover a newfound appreciation for the art of bed-making. It's character-building, after all!"

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