Chapter 38

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As clock's hands crawled toward 3 in the morning, Murtasim found himself entangled in the web of wakefulness, lying on the bed like a lone spectator in the theater of the night. His gaze fixed on Meerab, who had succumbed to sleep mid-conversation. Murtasim, as usual, gently adjusted the blanket over her form as he continued to toss and turn, the weight of restlessness pressing against his eyelids as the clock mercilessly ticked away the hours.

As he lay there, Murtasim couldn't help but be drawn into the intricacies of her repose, feeling captivated by her sleeping symphonies. The sight furrow of her brows, her plump cheeks cradling the innocence of rest, and even her snoring, that he once thought of as irritation, now played like a soft melody that resonated harmoniously with the stillness.

However, contrasting Meerab's peaceful slumber was a tempest of emotions brewed inside Murtasim, threatening to shatter the walls he had meticulously built around his heart. His heart that, for years, had been a fortress of stone, now rebelled against its own stoicism.

Meerab's laughter ignited an unexpected spark in Murtasim, stirring emotions he thought were long extinguished. His heart, that had been long dormant, rekindled a burst of emotions that left Murtasim grappling with the truth of his feelings. Confusion clouded Murtasim's thoughts. How could this be happening? Wasn't he the architect of his own emotional fortress, swearing to push away anyone else but Mahi?

Yet, Meerab's presence seemed to dissolve the very foundations of his self-imposed exile. The warmth that radiated from her hug, the serenity that washed over him under her touch – it was an inexplicable alchemy that left Murtasim wrestling with the contradictions of his words. Wasn't this marriage supposed to just a familial duty? So when did all of this started to become intimate play of emotions? Questions after questions were etched into Murtasim's thoughts, each one trying to carve deeper into the mysteries of his heart.

However, a gentle groan from Meerab interrupted his contemplation, and Murtasim's attention snapped back to her. Stray tendrils of her hair framed her face, prompting him to delicately tuck them behind her ear as his hand lingered on her head for longer than expected. The warmth of his thumb traced soothing patterns on Meerab's cheek, a subconscious caress that mirrored the rhythmic cadence of her dreams.

In this intimate moment, a torrent of thoughts surged through Murtasim's mind. What was this feeling that bubbled within him? Another question hung in the air as he continued to watch Meerab sleep peacefully.

"Ya Khudaya," he mind echoed, as the words seemed to be more intimate to be voiced out loud. "Main jitna Meerab se door hone ki koshish kar raha, utna hi uske kareeb kitch chala jaaraha hoon, yeh sab, yeh kya horaha hai?" The room held its secrets, the answers veiled in the enigmatic dance of shadows, leaving Murtasim entwined in the maze of conflicting thoughts that seemed to be blurring the lines between duty and desires.


The morning unfolded with the promise of adventure, a canvas painted in hues of anticipation and excitement. Meerab, with a bubbling cauldron of enthusiasm, couldn't contain her restlessness as the prospect of the village fair lingered in the air. Her excitement manifested in a series of eager questions that she fired at Murtasim, even since she had opened her eyes, each inquiry punctuated by the infectious energy that radiated from her.

"When will we leave?" she squeaked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"What's going to be there?" she continued, her curiosity palpable. Meerab's imagination danced with possibilities, envisioning a kaleidoscope of vibrant stalls and lively attractions waiting to be explored.

"Is there going to be food and jewelry stalls?" Her queries flowed like a cascade, reflecting her eagerness to delve into the sensory delights that awaited. The mere thought of delectable treats and gleaming jewelry stalls sent ripples of delight through her.

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