Chapter 39

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The wrath of Khan Murtasim Khan, was a force etched into the very fabric of the gaon's collective memory, a tempest that first unfurled after the tragic death of his to-be bride, Mahi. The people had witnessed the transformation of Khan Murtasim Khan into an absolute fireball of fury during the tumultuous panchayat that unfolded in the aftermath. Accusing Malik Zubair of Mahi's killing, Murtasim Khan, in a charged moment, unleashed a torrent of punches and blows towards him.

However, the absence of concrete evidence forced the release of Malik Zubair, leaving Murtasim Khan seething with a wrath that refused to be contained. In a whirlwind of anguish and rage, he became an unstoppable force, a tempest of emotions pounding against the boundaries of reason. The panchayat square became a battleground where Murtasim Khan's grief and fury collided with the cruel reality of justice denied.

Shahnawaz Khan, torn between the rules of the panchayat and the understanding of his son's anguish, had to reluctantly excuse Murtasim's actions, explaining how he was grieving for the death of his beloved. The story of that fateful day spread like wildfire, carried by the wind from one plot of land to another, recounting the tale of Murtasim Khan's wrath, a grief-stricken lion lashing out against the perceived injustice.

The hatred and pain etched in Murtasim's eyes mirrored the wounded lion once again as Malik Zubair had now taken away his wife, Meerab Khan. The people present trembled with fear as Khan Murtasim Khan voice roared through the open fields, his anger and frustration unfolding on the guards.

Murtasim's voice cut through the heavy air, a visceral howl of anger and despair. "How could Malik Zubair dare to set foot on my land and take my wife away? Have you all been sleeping while that bastard slipped in? What is the purpose of you all having guns when you're blind enough to not see the enemy seething in and slipping away so easy?" His words, laden with fury, reverberated through the fields, carrying with them the weight of betrayal and injustice.

He continued, the intensity of his gaze piercing through the trembling guards, "My land, my home, my wife – they are my blood, my soul! And yet, the very ground upon which you stand has been tainted by the presence of a scoundrel who stole the most precious part of my life."

As the onlookers exchanged nervous glances, Murtasim's voice rose, a tempest of emotions unleashed. "This is a direct attack on my honor and sanctuary and if you value your lives enough, I want my wife back before midnight. Or else, I swear by God, your negligence will be judged as harshly as Malik Zubair's blatant hostility."

The guards hurriedly spread out as Murtasim ran his hand through his hair in frustration. Farukh, placing a comforting hand on Murtasim's shoulder, reassured him, "Khan, we'll find Meerab. Don't worry."

Murtasim, the fury now giving way to vulnerability, confessed, "Farukh, I-- I can't lose her. I cannot fail her as well." The echoes of disappointment and self-loathing were palpable in Murtasim's voice, resonating through the tense air.

Farukh tightened his grip on Murtasim's shoulder, offering a solemn nod. "We won't, Khan. We'll bring her back safely. Malik Zubair won't escape the consequences of his actions this time."

Murtasim, his eyes reflecting the turmoil within, acknowledged Farukh's words with a silent nod. The gaon, now mobilized by the urgency of the situation, began organizing search parties and spreading the news of Meerab's abduction. The atmosphere, once festive, transformed into one charged with determination and concern.

As the sun set, casting a melancholic glow over the gaon, Murtasim found himself at the heart of the tumult, orchestrating the search efforts and relentlessly driving the pursuit forward. The echoes of Meerab's laughter, the vivid swirl of her colorful attire as she danced, haunted him with every passing moment. The mere thought of her in the clutches of Malik Zubair fueled a rage that only intensified his resolve to bring her back.

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