Chapter 30

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When Maa Begum casually dropped the news about the party in Karachi, Meerab hadn't anticipated that it would turn into a sole trip with just her and Murtasim. Maa Begum, with an air of excitement, had entered Meerab's room to announce the upcoming party hosted by Uncle Shahnawaz's friend for his son's welcome. The prospect of an evening filled with lively conversations and celebration seemed like a welcome respite for Meerab, considering how she had been grappling with a sense of melancholy for the past two weeks, that was intensified by the growing distance between her and Murtasim.

Yearning for a break from the gloominess that surrounded her, Meerab eagerly inquired about the departure details, "And maa begum, how many days are we going to stay there for?"

"Murtasim had some work to tend there as well so you guys might return after 2 to 3 days." Maa begum informed her.

"What do you mean, 'you guys'? Aren't you going?" Meerab questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"No Meerab. I can't really travel much and I haven't been feeling well for a few days as well so I won't be joining you guys." Maa begum sighed gently.

"Oh, then I'll stay back with you. How would you be on your own when you aren't feeling well." Meerab said, with a genuine concern for Maa Begum health but deep down she knew she was just trying to find ways to avoid being alone with Murtasim.

Maa Begum's smile was comforting as she reassured Meerab, "I won't be alone; Farukh will be here with me, and I'll be fine. You should get ready for your mini trip. It would be a nice and refreshing change for you. You have locked yourself up in this room for far too long. Oh, and..." Maa Begum paused, reaching for a bag beside her, "I'm not trying to force you but can you please wear this for the party? It's your first official gathering after your marriage with Murtasim. All of our business associates and their families will be there. And I want my daughter to stand out in front of everyone." She handed the bag to Meerab with a warm smile.

"Of course, Maa Begum, I'll wear it," Meerab responded with a smile, accepting the bag. Maa Begum enveloped Meerab in a warm hug and said, "I missed your smile, my dear." Meerab's heart warmed, but deep down, a lingering unease settled within her. The idea of three days alone with Murtasim wasn't something Meerab was eagerly looking forward to. Caught between the tug of excitement for the party and apprehension for the time ahead, Meerab hoped that this trip would bring a sense of relief to her troubled mind.


As the evening settled in, Murtasim arrived home with the looming party on the horizon. Lucky he had taken his clothes for the party with him earlier to avoid any last-minute delays. Glancing at the clock, already reading 5 pm, the realization dawned that time was slipping away, and they were running late. Murtasim hastily made his way to their room, hoping that Meerab would have been ready as well.

Having decided to try and restore some semblance of normalcy with Meerab, Murtasim recognized the need to break the awkward silence between them. Avoiding each other had only deepened the rift, and with three days ahead of them, he had resolved to engage in a conversation with Meerab, at least when necessary.

Taking a deep breath, he entered the room, only to find a sight that caught him off guard, causing his breath to hitch. The unexpected scene before him introduced a moment of pause, stirring a mix of emotions within Murtasim as he saw Meerab looking at herself in the mirror.

Meerab's ethereal presence enveloped the room, a vision of timeless allure in a dazzling champagne-red saree. The fabric cascaded gracefully, catching the ambient light to create a mesmerizing play of shadows and highlights. Glistening studs adorned the borders of the saree, adding a subtle sparkle that echoed the radiant glow emanating from Meerab herself.

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