Chapter 40

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A week had passed since that harrowing incident, and Meerab hadn't uttered a single word ever since she had returned to Khan Haveli. The return to Hyderabad had been swift, followed by Murtasim's unwavering determination to shield her from the haunting memories that lingered in the village. Maa Begum, upon seeing Meerab, was also struck with concern and worry. The vibrant and bubbly girl who had left for the gaon had returned, but the spark in her eyes had dimmed, replaced by a melancholic gaze that weighed heavily on everyone's hearts.

Attempts to engage Meerab in conversation fell flat, as she remained silent, enveloped in her own world of pain. Her bloodshot eyes and heavy eye bags ached Murtasim's soul. Her once-healthy appetite had dwindled, leaving a noticeable loss in her overall appearance. Murtasim, putting aside all his responsibilities, had prioritized tending to his wife. All the incessant calls and concerns about the impending panchayat were dismissed, as his focus was solely on helping Meerab heal.

While physical scars had gradually faded, the emotional wounds carved into her soul proved more persistent. Murtasim found it heart-wrenching to witness Meerab's silent suffering. She would just lay in bed all day, the void of her voice echoing in the room. The absence of her words left Murtasim yearning for a connection that seemed elusive in the deafening silence that enveloped them.

During the day, Murtasim tried various approaches to reach out to her—soft-spoken reassurances, heartfelt apologies for failing to protect her, and gestures of care. Yet, Meerab remained in her cocoon of silence, a fortress that seemed impenetrable. Murtasim couldn't shake the feeling that he was losing her, not to the physical wounds but to the profound scars etched onto her soul.

In the hushed nights that followed, Murtasim's longing for connection intensified. The unspoken words between them hung in the air, thickening the atmosphere with an unyielding silence. He yearned for Meerab to break through the walls that had unknowingly erected themselves between them.

As he lay beside her, he could feel the weight of her silence, a tangible barrier that separated them in the vastness of their shared bed. Each night, he held her close, a silent plea for her to open the gates of her heart, to share the burden that seemed to grow heavier with each passing day. The unspoken words he longed to hear remained elusive, yet Murtasim was determined to be her anchor in the storm. As he wrapped his arms around her, their bodies entwined, he hoped to convey a silent reassurance—a promise that he would stand unwavering by her side, ready to face the daunting path to healing together.


The atmosphere was thick with tension, engulfed in an eerie darkness that seemed to amplify the a sinister rendezvous where shadows danced ominously around them. Malik Zubair's predatory eyes glowed with an unsettling intensity, burning with a malicious desire that sent shivers down Meerab's spine. They locked onto her, piercing through the darkness like twin beacons of malevolence. The air itself seemed to constrict as his gaze bore into her soul, trapping her in a suffocating web of fear.

His sinister smile, a twisted expression etched with malice, revealed a malevolent pleasure derived from her distress. The contours of his face warped with a grotesque satisfaction, the corners of his lips curled in a way that seemed to mock her vulnerability.

Meerab found herself ensnared in the clutches of a merciless nightmare, a relentless replay of the harrowing encounter with Malik Zubair. Beads of sweat glistened on her forehead, and her entire body was drenched in anxiety. The weight of the nightmare pressed heavily on her chest, making each breath erratic and heavy.

Sensing the distress that emanated from her, Murtasim stirred awake. The room's dimness played shadows across his concerned expression as he noticed Meerab trembling, caught in the vivid grip of the dream. Panic seized him, and he urgently called out her name, "Meerab, wake up! Wake up!" 

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