Chapter 14

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"And that's when I learned about Baba's declining health. Farukh knocked some sense into me, and I decided to become the pillar of support for my parents, the Khan of the Gaddi, and the provider for my people. I buried that Murtasim who once wished to drown in agony, as I needed to be there for my family and my people," Murtasim concluded, revealing a heart-wrenching past that had long been concealed in the recesses of his soul.

Meerab couldn't pinpoint when her eyes became teary, but gazing at the man before her, a tidal wave of empathy crashed over her. Instinctively, she reached out, patting his hand, and met his once stoic gaze, now filled with raw vulnerability. "I'm sorry I made you cry," Murtasim said with a poignant smile. Meerab smiled through her tears, responding, "No, I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that. Life can be cruel. I accused you without knowing your struggles. The circumstances of our marriage have been overwhelming and chaotic, and I—"

"You don't have to apologize, Meerab. I understand how unfair this is to you. I wish I had told you everything beforehand. I'm disappointed in my mother for not letting you know all of this. If you want a divorce—"

"If I wanted a divorce, I wouldn't have married you in the first place. I did this for my father, just like you did for yours. The least we could do is give this a shot and see if we can spend the rest of our lives together or not. The future will take care of itself," Meerab interrupted, her words carrying a blend of understanding and determination.

Murtasim nodded, appreciating Meerab's resilience and willingness to face the unknown together. As the crack of dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, Murtasim checked his watch, realizing the lateness of the hour. "It's already 6 am. I didn't even realize," he said.

Meerab smiled and replied, "Time flies when you're engrossed in a conversation. We should head back now."

As they walked towards the car, Murtasim pointed to Mahi's grave, silently expressing his need to say a prayer before leaving. Meerab nodded, understanding the significance, and waited by the car.

Murtasim stood close to Mahi's final resting place, offering a prayer that echoed in the quietude of the early morning. The breeze carried the weight of emotions, and as he rejoined Meerab at the car, they both embarked on the journey back home, the night's conversation weaving a newfound understanding between them. The car rolled through the quiet streets, and a tentative sense of companionship began to bloom as they silently reflected on the complexities of life and the shared journey that lay ahead.


The drive back home was quiet yet filled with an unspoken understanding between Meerab and Murtasim. As they sat in the car, awkwardness clouded them. Meerab cleared her throat, a subtle attempt to lighten the mood. She looked at Murtasim and said, "Well, if nothing else, we can at least be friends right. Business partners sounds too formal, don't you think?"

Murtasim couldn't help but smile. Her continual reference to their marriage as a business deal was a playful taunt to his monologue on their wedding night. He extended his hand with a smile as he nodded.

Meerab shook his hand, and they exchanged a shared smile, the weight of the past night slowly dissipating. Just as the atmosphere began to settle, a loud and sudden knock echoed on the car door. Farukh appeared, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Am I interrupting something important?" Farukh teased, his eyebrows wiggling playfully.

Murtasim rolled his eyes, a faint annoyance crossing his face. "Farukh, can't you knock like a normal person?"

Ignoring Murtasim's irritation, Farukh continued to banter, "Oh, forgive me for interrupting the profound post-midnight conversations. I just thought I'd join the party."

Meerab chuckled, sensing the dynamics between the two friends. "Well, welcome to the 'profound post-midnight conversation' club. We were just discussing how we've upgraded our relationship from business partners to friends."

Farukh raised an eyebrow, shooting a knowing look at Murtasim. "Friends, huh? I must say, Khan, you're moving at an impressive speed."

Murtasim sighed, shaking his head. "Farukh, do you mind shutting up for once? I'm in no mood."

Farukh chuckled, leaning against the car. "Alright, alright. I'll let you two have your moment. But I must say, I never thought I'd see the day when the great Murtasim Khan willingly accepting friendship."

Meerab grinned, enjoying the banter. "But he is your friend right?"

Farukh continued with a playful smirk, "Well, I'm different. You see, Meerab, the great Murtasim Khan had a reputation for being a loner. When I first came here, I took pity on him and decided to be the beacon of friendship in his dreary, friendless existence."

Murtasim rolled his eyes, a dramatic sigh escaping him. "Yes, yes, I'd be dying alone if it wasn't for him."

"You know, Meerab," Farukh chimed in, "he might have ended up becoming a snotty, arrogant gaddi nasheen if I wasn't there to keep his ego in check."

Meerab laughed, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, isn't he still like that?"

Farukh widened his eyes in realization as he laugh out loud, "Oh yeah, he is,"

Murtasim scoffed as he got out to leave, "I'm going; you guys can continue."

As Murtasim headed towards the door, Meerab, still chuckling, decided to follow him. "Wait, Mr. Khan, I'm coming as well. Bye Farukh!"

Farukh, standing in the doorway, smiled with satisfaction as Meerab caught up with Murtasim. He sensed a subtle shift—laughter replacing tension, and camaraderie blossoming. It was the moment he'd silently hoped for, a sign that walls of Murtasim's heart were starting to crumble.

With a contented sigh, Farukh retreated to his room, grateful for the clearing air after the night's conversation. Murtasim and Meerab sharing laughs marked a promising development—a small victory. As he settled in, Farukh felt a sense of satisfaction, hopeful for a genuine connection to bloom from their unexpected alliance.


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