Chapter 25

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Meerab's feelings for Murtasim thundered like an unpredictable storm, leaving her grappling with a revelation she was not prepared to confront. The morning after an unforgettable yet chaotic day, where food poisoning had drained her of energy, she found herself in a situation that blurred the lines between vulnerability and unexpected intimacy.

Laying on top of Murtasim's chest, his hand gently cradling the back of her head, Meerab felt the erratic beats of her heart threaten to escape her chest. The memories of her tears from the night before were still fresh, and Murtasim's offer to take care of her lingered in her mind. It was just a token of sympathy right? Just a gesture of humanity.

As she cautiously extricated herself from Murtasim's embrace, she felt the fluttering sensation persist, a testament to the emotions she desperately tried to suppress. The shower became a refuge, the cascade of water attempting to wash away not just the physical remnants of sleep but the emotional residue that clung to her.

Stepping out, Meerab was met with the waiting eyes of Murtasim. His tousled hair and the subtle scent of cologne sent ripples through her composure. She scolded herself for allowing such minor details to affect her.

"How are you feeling now?" Murtasim's concerned voice cut through the air, and Meerab, in a hushed tone, whispered, "I'm okay."

Murtasim, unnoticing Meerab's attempt at nonchalance, got up and touched her forehead to check the fever. Little did he know, Meerab's face started to burn with the intensity of her hidden emotions. Her heart raced as Murtasim's hand made contact, an unexpected surge of warmth flooding her.

"The fever is better. You should have some breakfast and take your medicines. Remember to eat healthy and take care of yourself. I'll ask Maa to arrange everything you need—Meerab? Why is your face turning red? Are you okay?" Murtasim's perplexed inquiry only fueled Meerab's internal turmoil.

Flustered, Meerab nodded hurriedly, attempting to dismiss the question. "Yes, I'm fine, Mr. Khan. Thank you for everything. You might be running late, right? Don't worry; I'll take care of myself." She spoke rapidly, turning to leave.

As she navigated the hallways, Meerab berated her own heart for its rebellious behavior. The lingering touch, the concern in Murtasim's eyes, all conspired to unravel the carefully constructed walls around her feelings. "Damn this stupid heart," Meerab thought, her steps echoing the chaotic rhythm within her as she walked away. She knew what she had to do – distance herself from Khan Murtasim Khan. That was the only way to deal with these weird emotions threatening to erupt from within her.


If Meerab had thought that avoiding Murtasim would provide solace, she was absolutely mistaken. A week had passed since she decided to distance herself, yet the relentless tug of emotions remained persistent. Mornings unfolded with usual tasks and casual conversations, but beneath the surface, Meerab grappled with a tempest of feelings she was determined to keep at bay.

The routine of Murtasim preparing for work became a daily spectacle that etched itself into Meerab's consciousness. Whether he adorned the elegance of traditional attire, the shalwar kameez paired with shawls to add a touch of formality, or the modern sophistication of perfectly tailored suits, each image seared into her memory. Murtasim's raven hair, meticulously gelled on the side, framed his face with sleek sophistication. Each strand fell into place with deliberate intent, adding a refined touch.

His sensual perfume, Dior Sauvage, invoked a sense of longing that Meerab tried to bury. When he left, an undeniable emptiness settled in the room, leaving Meerab to wrestle with the remnants of his enchanting presence.

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