Chapter 27

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As the clock ticked 6:30, Murtasim sat in the car, glancing at his watch and then at his phone. He had sent Meerab a reminder to come out, but there was still no sign of her. An odd sense of impatience settled in as he waited, fingers tapping lightly on the steering wheel.

Finally, a few minutes later, the door of the haveli swung open, and there she was – Meerab, stepping out into the evening glow and oddly enough, Murtasim found himself agreeing to Meerab's statement earlier—beauty did take time.

Meerab looked different—different in a really good way. Ditching her customary oversized shirts and hoodies paired with jeans, she now wore a stunning silver satin silk long dress that gracefully flowed with every step she took. The fabric caught the soft hues of the setting sun, creating a subtle shimmer. A silver sweater, elegantly folded over her waist, adorned her shoulders, adding a touch of warmth to the ensemble.

Her naturally wavy hair were styled into loose curls, framed her face delicately. Meerab had pinned a small section to one side with a small silver shimmer pin, allowing the rest to cascade down her shoulders. The subtle play of natural makeup accentuated her features, adding a touch of allure that set this day apart from the simplicity of her usual lip gloss and light-tinted blush.

As she opened the car door and slid into the seat, she turned to Murtasim with a playful smile. "So, how do I look?"

"Umm, you... you look nice," he replied, his gaze momentarily avoiding hers, trying to ignoring the fact that he was blatantly staring at her a few minutes ago, as he started the car.

"What? Just nice?" Meerab's tone held a hint of disappointment.

As Murtasim was quick to change his statement, "No, I—I mean really nice."

"Well, consider that coming from you, I'll take it as the highest compliment," Meerab teased, a playful twinkle in her eyes. The car journey continued in quietude, creating an anticipating atmosphere as they ventured toward the surprises awaiting them.


The car glided to a gentle stop in front of a picturesque restaurant nestled in a quiet corner. Murtasim opened the car door for Meerab, and as they stepped out, the air carried a hint of enchantment. The exterior of the restaurant was adorned with soft, twinkling fairy lights, creating a dreamy pathway to the entrance.

Meerab looked around, her eyes widening in surprise. The entrance was adorned with billowing curtains, gently swaying in the night breeze. Murtasim gestured for her to follow the string of fairy lights that led them through a charming garden to the entrance of the restaurant.

As they crossed the threshold, Meerab couldn't help but gasp. The entire restaurant glowed with the warm embrace of soft candlelight, casting a magical aura over the intimate space. The tables were elegantly set, draped in pristine white tablecloths that seemed to whisper sophistication. Each table boasted a small bouquet of fresh roses, a delicate touch that added a burst of color to the otherwise monochrome setting.

The walls were adorned with carefully chosen pieces of delicate artwork, creating an atmosphere of refined taste. The air was filled with the subtle melody of a jazz band playing in the corner, their smooth tunes weaving through the room like a gentle breeze. The notes added an extra layer of charm to an already enchanting ambiance.

Meerab and Murtasim settled into their seats, taking in the beauty that surrounded them. Meerab couldn't help but express her admiration, "Mr. Khan, this place is absolutely stunning."

A warm smile played on Murtasim's lips as he replied, "Well, I'm glad that you liked it."

After exchanging a few more words, they turned their attention to the menu, a culinary masterpiece filled with enticing options. With a flicker of anticipation, they placed their orders, the waiter gracefully gliding away, leaving them in the tranquil embrace of the candlelit atmosphere.

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