Chapter 29

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As Murtasim walked toward his car, a tumultuous wave of emotions crashed over him like a hurricane. The weight of Meerab's love bore down on him, vividly painted in her tear-streaked face, her eyes pleading for reciprocation, a vulnerability that clawed at his conscience. The hope he saw in her eyes was a flame fueled by his encouragement, and now, it threatened to engulf him in remorse. The realization that he had led her on, fueled by a momentary lapse in his own emotional honesty, gnawed at him like a relentless beast.

His mind was a battleground of guilt, and as he fumbled with his car keys, the echo of Meerab's cries reverberated in his ears. She cried because of him, and all he could offer was a feeble apology. It made him feel sick to his core.

"Murtasim, Murtasim!" Farukh's urgent voice cut through the turmoil as he approached his car. "Where are you going this late?" he inquired, concern etched on his face.

"I—I need to go. I have to leave," Murtasim muttered, his gaze lost in the labyrinth of his own thoughts.

"Wait. What happened? Weren't you supposed to talk to Meerab? What did she say?" Farukh pressed, his eyes searching for answers in Murtasim's troubled demeanor.

"She—Meerab said that she loves me," Murtasim stammered.

"And?" Farukh probed further.

"And what? It's all my fault. I should have been more careful with the boundaries I drew between us. She's heartbroken right now because of me," Murtasim confessed, the weight of his own mistakes heavy on his shoulders.

"What boundaries are you talking about, Murtasim? What did you think? You'll marry her because of your father, and that's it? You'll spend all your lives being platonic, having that so-called friendship between both of you?" Farukh's tone was laced with seriousness.

"I don't know! But—but I can't love her. What about Mahi? Mahi died because of me, and you want me to move on from her?" Murtasim's anger erupted.

"Mahi would have wanted to see you happy. Why are you torturing yourself and Meerab like this? It's been years since Mahi's death; you shouldn't feel guilty to move on," Farukh reasoned, his voice gentle trying to help Murtasim navigate his guilt once again.

"Shut up! I could never move on from her. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Murtasim's scream reverberated, the raw edges of his pain and frustration surfacing like a tempest.

Farukh, undeterred by the outburst, met Murtasim's gaze with a steady resolve. "Can't you see how much you've changed, Murtasim? When was the last time you escaped home like this? When was the last time you even stayed at home for this long? Heck, when was the last time you went to Mahi's grave? All of these things, you used to do them regularly for the past eight years, but they all stopped. They all stopped because of Meerab. And you cannot deny the fact that you feel something for her as well!" Farukh's words cut through the charged air, a sharp analysis of Murtasim's altered reality.

"Farukh you better shut your mouth up, you have no right—" Murtasim retorted, his eyes darkening with anger.

"And you don't have the right to hurt Meerab like this as well. God knows what she must be feeling right now," Farukh admonished, refusing to let Murtasim evade the impact of his actions.

"She's crying," Murtasim whispered, the admission a heavy acknowledgment of the emotional turmoil he had caused.

"And you're leaving her like this?" Farukh's accusation hung in the air.

"I—I can't face her. I'm the one who hurt her." Murtasim admitted, his eyes hanging low because of remorse.

"You should be ashamed of yourself, dude. She's crying there, and you're running away like a coward instead of comforting her. You're a jerk," Farukh spat out, his anger palpable.

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