Chapter 45

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Meerab remained in her office for the rest of the day, contemplating the unexpected arrival of Murtasim back into her life. The unanswered questions echoed in her mind — what was he on, and why was he doing all of this? She had spent the past two months trying to move on, attempting to bury the pain of their failed relationship, and although she had not entirely succeeded, she was not ready to confront him again. The divorce papers had marked the end from her side, a firm stance she had taken and accepted in her mind. So, why was he back now?

As she paced around her office, wrestling with her thoughts, Meerab noticed Murtasim leaving his office. "So much for 'I have lots to do!'" she thought, deciding to finally leave her office and check on the kids.

"Meemee! Have you finally met Mr. Murtasim? We heard that he will stay here with us from now on wards," Samantha rushed towards her with excitement.

"I—yes, I did. He's just here for six months, Samantha. He'll leave after that," Meerab said, trying to downplay the situation.

"Have you guys finally made up?" James asked, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"Made up? For what?" Meerab inquired, genuinely puzzled.

"Mr. Murtasim said that you guys had an argument and that he's here to make up with you," Tom exclaimed.

Argument? Meerab furrowed her brows; there was nothing to argue about in the first place. And making up? That seemed like an implausible notion. Unless...... Meerab's mind lingered but she did not wanted any more waging war inside her mind.

"Come on now, have you all completed your homework?" Meerab redirected the conversation, attempting to mask her inner turmoil. The kids, sensing the shift, started avoiding eye contact and hurriedly scattered to evade her question. As Meerab chuckled at their antics, her mind continued to grapple with the lingering uncertainties surrounding Murtasim and his motives.


Murtasim's heart was beating fast and the smile pasted on his face was the testament of how Farukh was right— he really did feel like a 10 year old having a crush for the first time. The way Meerab shot him an annoyed glance, Murtasim felt a potent mix of emotions surge within him, a concoction he hadn't experienced in years.

Her gaze, though laced with irritation, held a familiarity that tugged at the recesses of his heart. Her furrowed brows, a manifestation of her annoyance, paradoxically appeared endearing to him, evoking a sense of warmth. The subtle fragrance of vanilla lingered in the air as she passed by, leaving an intoxicating trail that seemed to envelop him in a comforting embrace.

Unable to ignore the fluttering in his chest, Murtasim reveled in the rush of emotions stirred by Meerab's presence. The way she became flustered by his comment added an extra layer to the complex tapestry of their relationship. It was as if he had been transported back to the innocence of a school crush, where every interaction was laden with anticipation and excitement. In that fleeting moment, Murtasim couldn't help but savor the bittersweet thrill of rediscovering his emotions that time had buried within him.

The introduction plan had unfolded seamlessly, leaving Murtasim with a lingering sense of satisfaction. Despite the complexities, he couldn't help but revel in the small victories that hinted at the possibility of a rekindled connection. With a smile playing on his lips, Murtasim left early to prepare for the next step of his attempt to woo Meerab back.


As Meerab made her way back home through the streets of London, her mind became a tumultuous sea of conflicting thoughts, each wave crashing against the shores of uncertainty. Did Murtasim genuinely want to make things right between them, and if so, why? Wasn't this what he wanted since the start? The divorce papers lingered as a perplexing puzzle—had he not received them, or did he deliberately choose to ignore them? Her father's recent conversation with Maa Begum added another layer of complexity to the enigma.

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