Chapter 32

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The journey back home was accompanied by the comforting hum of the car engine, the raindrops now reduced to a gentle mist on the windshield. As Murtasim navigated through the familiar streets of Karachi, the city lights reflected on the wet roads, creating a serene ambiance. The tension that had lingered earlier had dissipated, replaced by a quiet understanding between Murtasim and Meerab.

By the time they reached their house, the rain had ceased, leaving a fresh, earthy scent in the air. Murtasim parked the car, and they stepped out into the quiet night. The wet pavement glistened under the glow of the streetlights. As they entered their house, Meerab took off the coat she was wearing, Murtasim's coat and the sudden chills hit her. She moved to the room Murtasim had told her about as he went out to bring their bags.

Meerab, still feeling the chill from the rain, started off which opening her hair that were an absolute mess due to the rain. She then attempted to take off her jewelry, exhaustion finally taken over her. However, to her surprise and dismay, the necklace seemed entangled with the zipper of her saree blouse. She tried to free it herself, her fingers fumbling with the delicate jewelry, but her efforts were in vain. Panic started to set in as she realized there was no one around except Murtasim.

The thought of asking him for help crossed her mind, but she hesitated, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She attempted once more, desperately trying to separate the necklace from the stubborn zipper, but it remained stubbornly entwined.

Just then, Murtasim appeared with their bags in his hands, his gaze meeting Meerab's reflection in the mirror. As he moved to leave, Meerab just turned towards him, her gaze dropping on the floor as she asked, "Mr. Khan, could you...... please help me with this?" her voice a soft plea.

Murtasim contemplated for a moment, a weird sort of tension hanging between them as he stared at Meerab. Her hair had been tousled with a slight dampness because of the rain and the intricate folds of her saree clung to her form, while her hands struggled to unclasp a necklace that adorned her neck. Hesitantly, Murtasim walked towards Meerab as he closed the distance between them.

Murtasim gently brushed Meerab's hair to the side, his fingers touching her nape. A subtle shiver ran through Meerab as she inhaled deeply. She could feel Murtasim's fingers trembled slightly as he delicately attempted to untangle the necklace from the zipper. Meerab watched him through the mirror, her eyes reflecting a mix of uncertainty and vulnerability. She saw him gulp lightly as he tried to untangle the necklace.

However, the delicate jewelry, a delicate chain seemed almost stubborn, weaving itself further into the intricate details of Meerab's blouse's zipper. Murtasim's shaky fingers started with a gentle touch, attempting to untangle the necklace from the zipper. However, frustration crept into Murtasim's expression as the small chain refuse to budge. His brows furrowed with a mix of concentration and annoyance as he delicately attempted to coax the stubborn necklace free.

As he applied a bit more force, the tension in the air heightened. The necklace seemed to resist, as if entangled in a silent protest against being freed. Suddenly, with an unexpected snap, the blouse zipper gave way, as it snapped opened. The release was so sudden and unexpected that it caught both Murtasim and Meerab off guard.

Murtasim's eyes widened in shock, the surprise reflecting in the depth of his gaze. His fingers, once entwined with the necklace, instantly let go, creating a soft rustle of fabric. His heart throbbing against his chest rapidly as he looked away.

Meerab gasped, her fingers moving swiftly to secure the partially opened zipper. The room fell into a sudden silence, the air heavy with the realization of the moment. The necklace, now free, dangled delicately around Meerab's neck, a silent witness to the intimate struggle it had just been a part of.

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