Chapter 19

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Lost in the vastness of the fields, Meerab's initial sense of playfulness gave way to confusion as she found herself surrounded by the golden hues of a setting sun. Meerab's heart raced as she looked around, the vast fields stretching endlessly in every direction. The sun was setting, casting a warm and vibrant palette across the sky, but panic set in as the realization of being lost sank in. She had been so engrossed in chasing the goats that the landscape had swallowed her whole, leaving her standing in the middle of nowhere now.

The evening that had begun in the lively fields with Murtasim was now turning into a solitary journey into the unknown. Meerab attempted to retrace her steps, but the sprawling fields offered no familiar landmarks, and her efforts were futile. Lost in the vastness, anxiety tightened its grip on her.

A desperate search for her phone proved useless as she remembered that she had given it to Murtasim for capturing moments in the field. And even if she had it, reaching out to him would have been impossible without his number, which she didn't had. Helplessness started to envelop her like a suffocating shroud now.

Just as despair threatened to overwhelm her, a sudden voice shattered the eerie silence behind her. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" The words echoed through the stillness, sending shivers down Meerab's spine. Turning around, she beheld a man draped in a black shalwar kameez adorned with a maroon waistcoat. His imposing stature exuded an unsettling aura that hung in the air.

He stood at a distance, accompanied by four or five others, their expressions unreadable. Meerab hesitated, weighing the options. The mysterious group could be her ticket out of this predicament. After all, they were residents of Murtasim's land; perhaps they held the key to guiding her back to him.

Caught between the shadows of apprehension and hope, Meerab hesitantly approached the enigmatic group, the fading sunlight casting long, uncertain shadows on the field. Her voice trembled as she introduced herself, "I—I'm Meerab, Murtasim Khan's wife." She paused, assessing the atmosphere before continuing, "I've lost my way. I'm new here and don't really know where to go. Can you please help me out?"

The man in the black shalwar kameez and maroon waistcoat studied her with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Murtasim? Khan Murtasim Khan's wife and Anwar Khan's daughter?" he questioned, seeking confirmation. Meerab nodded anxiously, feeling a sudden weight of vulnerability in this unfamiliar territory. The man exchanged glances with the others before a wide, yet errie smile spread across his lips.

"Of course, I'll help you find a way out," he declared, the words carrying an undertone that sent an unexpected shiver down Meerab's spine.


As Murtasim dashed through the sprawling fields, a realization struck him – the vastness of the land was more expansive than he had ever thought. The urgency in his frantic pursuit of Meerab was heightened by the possibility of her inadvertently crossing into Malik Zubair's land. The mere thought made Murtasim's blood cold. Although it had only been 20 minutes since Meerab had gone missing, but the potential dangers loomed large.

The complex history between the Khans and the Maliks intensified Murtasim's anxiety. The simmering resentment, particularly after Anwar Khan's marriage to Nadia, had created a palpable tension between the two families. Now, with Meerab, their daughter and Murtasim's wife, in the mix, the stakes were higher. Malik Zubair, harboring a deep-seated hatred for the Khans, wouldn't pass up an opportunity to settle old scores. The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows across the fields, and Murtasim felt the pressing need to locate Meerab before darkness descended.

"Khan, we're nearing the Malik's land now. Don't you think we should return and search somewhere else?" Bakhtu's words dripped with caution, aware of the longstanding animosity between the two families as they were now starting to near the Khan-Malik boarder.

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