Chapter 22

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There was something wrong with Meerab but she couldn't quite understand what it was. Her thoughts raced like a runaway train, and every time she cast a glance at Murtasim, her heart decided to join the sprint. It was confusing; why did her pulse kick into high gear whenever he was around? She remembered when this feeling first occurred. It was the school incident when she saw him playing with those kids, then it happened again during his sit up punishment and the water fight day and even after when he laughed wholeheartedly at one of her stupid jokes. Each memory seemingly a trigger for this peculiar reaction.

Meerab tried to understand what this could possibly mean. Was it indigestion, some rare tropical disease, or perhaps an undiscovered side effect of eating too much chocolate? But whatever it was, Meerab was sure that she was turning into a human popcorn maker, with her heart turning into a popping kernel, whenever she was around Murtasim, especially when she saw that small smile that gently yet almost invisibly tugged the side of his lips.

She tried to google her symptoms and there were a list of reasons that popped up. Dehydration? No, she drank around 2 liters of water every day. Low blood sugar? Not possible because the chocolate bars placed in her drawers said otherwise. Excessive physical activity? Considering her lazy ass, that does stand a chance! Smoking and alcohol? That's comical, if anything, Murtasim should be the one facing these symptoms then.

Annoyed by the absurd and unhelpful suggestions Dr. Google threw at her, Meerab decisively powered down her phone. With a roll of her eyes and an exasperated sigh, she made a mental note to schedule an appointment with a cardiologist. The mere thought of a potential heart disease sent an involuntary shiver down her spine.

"Ugh, Meerab, just focus on your work!" she mentally scolded herself, determined to redirect her attention to the task at hand. She brought her focus back to her laptop, dismissing any lingering thoughts about her heart's peculiar antics. Glancing at Murtasim's serene, sleeping figure, Meerab couldn't help but reminisce about the way his eyes sparkled with joy when he laughed. A unknown smile crept onto her lips as the memory played in her mind like a cherished scene from a movie.


In the silent depths of the night, Murtasim awoke abruptly, disturbed by a familiar and echoing sounds piercing through the stillness. The source of the disturbance was clear – Meerab in the study room. This wasn't the first time she had disrupted his sleep, and Murtasim couldn't understand how she consistently managed to wake him up.

Whether it was her bizarre sleeping positions invading his personal space, her loud snoring, or that one incident where she accidentally hit her arm against his face, causing him pain while she continued to slumber peacefully – Meerab seemed to have an uncanny knack for interrupting his rest. Even now, with the door to the study slightly ajar, her loud voice reverberated through the room, further aggravating his sleep. The haze of sleep clouded his mind, making it difficult to discern what she was saying.

Rubbing his eyes, Murtasim glanced at the clock—12 am, an ungodly hour for an intense conversation. "Je suis d'accord. Je vais m'assurer que les changements nécessaires soient mis en place. Mon père doit être informé de cela immédiatement." (I agree. I will ensure that necessary changes are implemented. My father needs to be informed about this immediately.)

Confused and slightly annoyed, he strained to understand the unfamiliar language. Spanish? Italian? German? His drowsy mind struggled to identify the linguistic puzzle until, with a sudden realization, he recognized the rhythmic cadence of French. Meerab was speaking French.

French? Murtasim wondered, slightly surprised. She never mentioned knowing the language. As he attempted to retreat back into the realm of sleep, the persistent chatter thwarted his efforts. Meerab's ability to disrupt his peaceful slumber was an art form he had yet to comprehend.

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