Chapter 47

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Murtasim had changed and Meerab found herself discreetly observing the shifts in his demeanor over the past weeks. This wasn't the stoic man she had been married to; he radiated a newfound joy that reflected in the sparkle of his eyes. Once melancholic and fiery, his gaze now shone with a light she hadn't seen before. The soft smile that adorned his face now and the way it changed into the subtle smirk whenever his gaze met hers were small yet significant changes.

As Meerab observed Murtasim, she couldn't help but wonder about the true intentions behind his sudden presence in London. The "I'm almost broke" mantra seemed too absurd, and she was determined to unravel the layers beneath. She wanted to ask him about the divorce papers, if he had seen it or signed them but she just couldn't articulate the proper words. And it wasn't like she was just causal around him, in fact, Meerab tried to stay away from him as much as possible in her house and the orphanage too but she couldn't help but notice these changes about him.

Within the confines of their home, an intriguing atmosphere enveloped Meerab and Murtasim. The palpable tension lingered in the air, an unspoken dialogue playing out between them. Anwar Khan, a silent spectator to this evolving dynamic, often took the initiative to break the silence whenever they sat together for meals. While her father led the conversations, Meerab, choosing to remain quiet, felt the weight of Murtasim's intense gaze on her as his feet daring ventured into the forbidden territory, occasionally mingling with hers, creating a charged atmosphere that crackled with unspoken words.

Amidst this electrifying exchange, a smirk, shamelessly etched on Murtasim's face, played witness to his audacious antics. Acting all innocent while conversing with her father, Murtasim skillfully concealed his provocative moves, turning her home into a stage for a captivating yet teasing performance. Meerab, caught in this intricate web of tension, grappled with the challenge of maintaining her composure amidst Murtasim's deceptive innocence.

However, a moment of astonishment awaited Meerab when Murtasim, with a sudden determination, rose from his seat and announced his intention to take charge of the dishes. The unexpected proclamation hung in the air, momentarily disrupting the usual routine. Murtasim explained that he considered it a token of his appreciation for being allowed to stay in their house.

Confusion etched across Meerab's features as she looked up at him, her curiosity piqued by this unexpected turn of events. His willingness to tackle the post-meal cleanup was surprising, and Meerab couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in question. Murtasim Khan, the princess Khan Murtasim Khan that couldn't even be bothered to make his bed in the morning, armed with soap and sponge, ready to navigate the territory of dishwashing.

But what ensued was a scene that shifted the tone of the evening. Murtasim, standing in front of the sink, displayed a comical confusion, unsure of where to begin. The sight of him, contemplating the intricacies of dishwashing, elicited a silent snicker from Meerab. And it wasn't until her father stepped in, becoming an impromptu instructor to explain Murtasim the art of dishwashing, until he had mastered it.

Murtasim's interactions with the children at the orphanage further highlighted his transformation. Playing, helping with homework, consoling them and reading stories became regular activities. His genuine affection for the children painted a heartwarming picture that Meerab couldn't ignore.

Equally surprising was Murtasim's role as a legal advisor. His expertise became an unexpected boon for the orphanage. His legal prowess ensured smoother operations, and his dedication went beyond what Meerab had initially anticipated.

Not to be forgot the night when James was set to depart the following day, when Murtasim had comforted her. The memory played like a vivid scene in her mind—the warmth of his arms enveloping her in a reassuring hug, a tender kiss planted gently on her head, and the soothing reassurance in his words. And as Murtasim spoke of her as his "guardian angel," it was as if he had unraveled a secret world, one Meerab was struggling to comprehend. What was all of this supposed to mean?

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