Chapter 48

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Surprisingly, her father's departure proved less troublesome than anticipated. Murtasim behaved for the most part, though those mischievous smiles he shot Meerab held an unspoken allure, a silent language only they seemed to understand. The moments he brushed past her in the kitchen, the warmth of his breath tracing the delicate curve of her neck, created an unexpected undercurrent of tension that left Meerab both unsettled and curiously intrigued.

His whispered praises of "smells great" took on a more personal note when he stood closely behind her, pretending to savor the aroma of the food. Yet, Meerab couldn't escape the sensation that his appreciation extended beyond the culinary delights. The subtle, lingering breath against the strands of her hair suggested an intimacy that transcended the simple act of cooking.

Adding to the play of emotions, Murtasim would occasionally murmur lines like, "I'm starving," each word laden with a subtle invitation. Even when he remarked, "I never knew cooking could be so... tempting," while eyeing her in the kitchen, Meerab couldn't deny the heat that crept up her cheeks, fueled by an unexpected mixture of annoyance and an elusive attraction.

However, beyond these charged exchanges, their interactions remained relatively sparse. Despite Murtasim's persistent suggestions for movie nights or outings, Meerab subtly rejected them. Yet, Murtasim, undeterred, patiently bided his time, waiting for the opportune moment when Meerab wouldn't be able to escape his plans. That moment, it seemed, had finally arrived.

"A trip?" Murtasim's voice echoed through the room as he sat together with the kids, engrossed in another story.

"Yes! Meemee always takes us out for Christmas, be it for ice skating, indoor trampoline park, Winter Crafts Workshop, or to Winter Wonderland," Tom exclaimed with contagious excitement, catching Murtasim's attention.

"Winter Wonderland? What's that?" Murtasim asked, genuine curiosity in his eyes, the kids looking at him with surprise.

"Mr. Murtasim, how can you not know about Winter Wonderland?" Lily exclaimed with wide-eyed astonishment.

"It's an annual event held at Hyde Park for winters," Samantha chimed in.

"Yes, and they have fun activities like rides, roller coasters, ice skating, a magical ice kingdom," Jack continued, his enthusiasm contagious.

"And they have amazing, delicious food too!" Mary added, contributing to the animated explanation of the wonders of Winter Wonderland. The kids excitedly detailed the concept, their eyes sparkling with anticipation, as Murtasim listened attentively.

"Mr. Murtasim have you really never been to Winter Wonderland?" Lily asked him with genuine concern, to which Murtasim shook his head, intrigued by their vivid descriptions.

"How about we all tell Meemee that we want to go there for Christmas this time?" the kids suggested in unison, eyes gleaming with excitement.

Murtasim, wearing a playful smile, looked at them. "No, wait. There's no need to tell her that. I'll manage that myself. You guys just need to be ready on Saturday." His declaration added a new layer of anticipation, as the kids, bubbling with excitement, nodded eagerly.

"Okay now, go to bed before Meemee comes out and beats me for making you guys stay up for so long," he teased with a chuckle, emphasizing the need for secrecy. The children scampered off to their beds, laughter lingering in the air as they discussed the impending adventure.

As the kids disappeared into their rooms, Murtasim opened his phone, eager to learn more about Winter Wonderland before the excitement turned into reality. His eyes were alight with curiosity as he delved into his phone, scrolling through pictures of sparkling lights, enchanting ice sculptures, and the festive atmosphere that characterized the annual event.

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