Chapter 18

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Meerab was unable to resist the heartwarming scene that unfolded before her, which is why she just couldn't help but take out her phone, solely for the purpose of add the photo collection for her new Instagram post or at least that's what she told herself, capturing a few candid moments of Murtasim immersed in the joyous chaos of stickers and hugs. Each snapshot encapsulated the unexpected harmony between the serious Khan and the spirited children, a visual testament to a side of Murtasim that she hadn't witness before.

Unfortunately, the moment was soon interrupted when Ayesha, the teacher, discreetly knocked on the door. Murtasim, temporarily diverted from the delightful faces of the children and turned his attention to Meerab and teacher. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Khan, but Khaani is here," Ayesha announced, her voice respectful. Murtasim nodded, swiftly straightening his composure. Ayesha, with a polite smile, gestured for Meerab to join them.

As Murtasim and Meerab moved from class to class, they were met with a cascade of creativity from the children—letters, paintings, and drawings, each a heartfelt expression of their admiration. Murtasim, with a discerning eye, directed that these precious tokens be carefully placed in his car, ensuring each creation received its due place.

The classrooms became a gallery of youthful artistry, showcasing the genuine connection between Murtasim and the children. Ayesha, in her role as a bridge between the two worlds, introduced Meerab to each class. The children, standing in neat lines, greeted Meerab with a warmth that mirrored their earlier enthusiasm for Murtasim.

Throughout this journey of shared experiences, Meerab couldn't help but appreciate the depth of connection Murtasim had with his people. He had almost known all of these students by their names which came to Meerab as a surprise. She had also noticed that the letters and artworks became not just gifts but symbols of the trust and affection these children had for him. Meerab couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and respect for Murtasim beaming in her heart. He really wasn't what she had thought him to be.


Murtasim always found solace and genuine joy whenever he visited the schools in his village. For him, these visits were not just a testament to the progress he had spearheaded but a poignant reflection of pure innocence—the kind that only children possessed. As he stepped into the school, the radiant faces of the students greeted him with unabashed love and appreciation always warmed his stoic heart.

The connection he felt with these children was something beyond the formalities of his position; it was a personal bond forged through shared dreams and aspirations. Each performance, every piece of artwork, felt like a collective achievement, a testament to the positive changes he had ushered into their lives.

The sparkling eyes of the students, looking up to him with admiration, provided a profound sense of peace. In those moments, Murtasim realized that beyond the responsibilities of being a Khan, he was a beacon of hope for these young minds.

Establishing the school had been an immediate priority for Murtasim upon assuming the role of Khan. It was especially after Mahi's passing, that the idea of the school took root in his heart. She always used to highlight the importance of education and how he should do something to advocate for it. The vision of creating a place of learning became not just a response to the educational needs of his land but also a personal endeavor to honor Mahi's memory.

The laughter echoing in its corridors, the brimming faces of the children, served as a balm for his grieving heart. In those moments, surrounded by the energy and enthusiasm of the school, Murtasim found solace, and the burden of loss seemed a little lighter. The school became more than an institution; it became a living tribute to the love he had lost and a beacon of hope for the generations to come.

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