The beginning.

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Lucys pov

I woke up in a good mood. I walked to the guild and order a strawberry shake. I asked Mira where team natsu was. She looked around and said " there's grey but I don't see anymore of your team mates. I walked over to grey and said " hey grey " and smiled. He said " hey Lucy" , " hey grey do you know where natsu is ?" , " yeah he went out on a job " I pouted and said " oh okay " I decided to go for a walk. I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings and i tripped. " ouch " I said and I realized I tripped over a pink frog ? I picked the pink frog up and realized it was a cat in side of a pink frog costume. I said " aw how cute "

Rogue pov

We were out in magnolia shopping when all of a sudden lector started panicking sting asked him what's wrong and lector yelled " fro ! Fro is gone " rogue started panicking because fro would have got lost if no one was with him. Rogue,sting and lector ran around magnolia to look for fro. They finally spotted him. Lector was about to call out for him when for some strange reason rogue stopped him. " I want fro to find his own way back to the inn" rogue said. Sting,lector and rogue followed fro all day. And around 6 o'clock fro ran in to Lucy. They hid behind a bush for she couldn't see them.

Lucys pov

" Aw how cute you are, but you look familiar " Lucy tried to think where she saw this cat before and it hit her " oh yeah " she said , " you belong to that sabertooth guy rogue" she picked fro up and started walking. Sting,lector and rogue started following Lucy. " you can stay at my place tonight and I'll bring you back in the morning " she walked to her place and when she got there she placed fro on her dresser. She said " I'll be right back don't go any where " fro just smiled. Sting,rogue and lector where looking in the window. Fro decided to go through Lucy underwear drawer. He picked up a bra and put it around his ears, Lucy walked in and saw him and started laughing. " what are you doing " she said, " fro trying on ear muffs " he said " there not ear muffs " she laughed. He put them around his eyes. She started laughing more. She took the bra from him and put it back. He grabbed a black thong and " oh dear " she said while grabbing the thong and putting it back, she grabbed fro and put him on her bed. Mean while out side lector was confused because he didn't know what those were either. Lector asked sting what they were and sting just started turning red and said " nothing " sting,rogue and lector keep watching them from out side. Lucy took off her shirt and then her shorts. She was wear a pink bra and laced pink underwear. Rogue and sting started getting red. She put a big t-shirt on and got in to bed and cuddle with fro. They both fell asleep . "What are we going to do now " lector said . " we're going wait till the morning " said rouge . They all fell asleep out side.

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