Extra rolu

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Lucys pov

I'm walking down town to buy some groceries for dinner, and I see a frog run towards me, but I already knew who it was because of last time ( chapter 1 ) I bend down and hold my arms out and smile and call his name .
He jumps in my arms and I ask him why he's here alone .

" fro going shopping " fro says with that adorable smile

" oh are you ? Would you like to come with me then, since I'm also going shopping ? "

" fro thinks that's a good idea "

It's now me and fro walking to the market and then we hear someone call fro name, I stop and turn around and it's no other then the shadow dragon slayer rogue .

I call his name and he sees us and smiles and comes running over .

" I'm so glad I found you " rogue says while panting

" haha I found him on my way , well more like he found me " I start laughing

We both start laughing and then I see a little blush on rogue cheeks but I'll ignore it hehe.

" well we're going shopping , wanna come along ? " I ask rogue

Rogue agrees and starts walking beside me .

We don't really talk about anything, just little things like jobs and etc .

" finally " I say when we reach the market

We go inside the market and buy what we need, we come out about 30 minutes later .

" c-can I walk you home ? " rogue ask

" sure " I smile at him

We start walking home and then rogue stops so I look at him a little confused.

" I'll be right back , don't go anywhere " rogue says while running off

I just stand there holding fro .

" why did he run off ? I'm so confused "

" fro is to "

A few minutes later here comes rogue
He's holding something in his hand .

" here " rogue hands me a strawberry ice cream

" strawberry, my favorite. How did you know ? " I ask while taking the cone

" I just thought you would like it " rogue said while smiling

" whoa his smile is cute " I say in my head

We start walking back to my place while eating are delicious ice cream .

Once again we don't really talk about anything just what's are favorite food , color, and stuff like that

We reached my house and I thank him for walking me home .

He had this sad look on his face so o felt bad

" um .. Would you guys like to stay for dinner ? " I ask with a smile

" sure ! " rogue saying excited

" that's cute " I say in my head

We eat dinner and it's almost 9 pm

" wow it's pretty late " I say

" oh yeah it is , I guess we should go home fro "

Rogue and fro walk to the door with me behind them . They open the door but he stops ..

" thanks for dinner , it was amazing " rogue said

" oh well thank you , and thank you for that delicious ice cream " I say back

" your welcome , maybe we can hang out another time ? "

" sure , that would be nice "

We say are goodbyes and I turn around but then I feel someone grab my arm I turn around and

rogue kissed me ...

I stare at him with wide eyes

" w-w-w-well goodbye and thank you " rogue says while running off with fro and here I am just in shock from that kiss ...

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