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I'll tell you when to play

Lucys pov

after I take the pills rider walks out my room . I know I shouldn't have taken these . I feel it in my gut, but who was that pink hair boy ?
my face starts heating up thinking about him .
" ah so cute " I say while rolling on my bed like a high school girl in love
----------------- \(•.•)/ -------------------
normal pov

Lucy walks in the kitchen for a early dinner since she getting really tired now .

" hello Lucy "

" AH ! .... hello " Lucy says jumpy

" did I scare you ? "

" ah just a little , didn't know anyone was here . "

" I'm sorry , what are you doing anyways "

" oh I'm just getting an early dinner , I'm pretty tired haha " I say while grabbing some Roman

" oh I see , well sleep well " John says while walking out the kitchen

" phew , he makes me so nervous "

--------------------- >.< ------------------
Lucys pov

I walk back to my room with my ramen  and sit on my bed and turn the tv on and start watching region

( I started watching that , ah I love fantasy shows )

after I get done with my food I put it on my night stand because I don't even have the strength to stand up .

" why am I so sleepy ? " I say while my eyes start shutting

--------------- 5 minutes later ------------

start playing

" daddy daddy look " I hold up my little rice ball that I made my self
" daddy look "

" GO AWAY " my father yells

I start running to my room

" I want mommy " I start crying

" m-mommy "

" Lucy what's wrong " one of the maids said

" I want my mommy "

the maid just stays silent because she can't bring her mother back like she wishes

- time past in fairy tail when she got taken because her father wants her back -

" WHY ! why does he want me back now ? I've been gone for a year . he doesn't care about me !  he never has ... what does he want with me . "


( in daddy's office )

" I'm not staying here . I've come back for one reason, to tell you I'm leaving , it's hard to leave because this house has so many memories but NOT OF YOU , of mom . I never wanted any of this . I never needed any pretty clothes and jewelry I just wanted your attention but now I have another family, a family that cares. goodbye ....



" hi guys " I say while running toward them

( sorry if this sucked omg )


" Lucy "
" Lucy "
" Lucy "
" Lucy "
" Lucy "
" Lucy "
" Lucy "
" Lucy "
" Lucy "
" Lucy "

" SHUT UP , SHUT UP , SHUT UP " I yell .

" what's going on ! I don't understand " I start crying

" Lucy it's me "

" who ? " I start looking around

" Lucy don't you remember us ? "

I start to look around but I can't make out any faces or names

" Lucy it's us "

" who ... " I say while wiping my eyes

" it's your family, remember ? "

" f-family ? " I say while standing up

" Natsu  "
" erza "
" loke "
" Wendy "
" levy "
" Taurus "
" Aquarius "
" grey / gray "
" k/Cana "
" Gemini "
---- and so on ------

I ran up to them I finally remember everything . what did rider give me that made me remember  everything .... wait ... rider ... John ... who .. who are they ....

------- wakes up -------
Lucys pov

I wake up , kinda dizzy .

" where .. where am I ? "

I start looking around and then I hear my door open ... I start to back up and I see rider ..

" Lucy I'm sorry "

to be continued ...

omg I'm sorry for the long long long wait . ahaha a lot of stuff have been happing but here's an update sorry if it's not so good but let me know what you think (-: I'll be starting school tomorrow so I'll try to be active more since I'll have more motivation AHAH . anyways thanks for reading (-:

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