Lucy week part 3

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The man undid some of the tap and grabbed Lucy's hands , she kicked and screamed and tried to hit him , he finally had enough and gave her a hard punch in her face then another one and then one last one in her stomach , Lucy coughs up some blood then just stays still , the man then tapes her wrist together , and then her ankles.

" if you haven't acted like such a brat I wouldn't have had to hurt you . " the man then undoes the chains from her ankles and her wrist

The man picks Lucy up and carries her over his shoulders and walks up stairs.
The man sits her down at a table and puts some food in front of her .

" here , eat " the man gives her a fork

" it's kind of hard when my hands are taped up . " Lucy comments

" eat , or don't , I don't care " the man walks to another room

Lucy tries to pick up the fork and she manages to after a couple of tries , the picks at the eggs before she puts it in her mouth , she finished the eggs , they were kinda plain and not cooked all the way  but she was starving so she didn't care , she then grabbed some toast and ate it , and lastly she drank some water .

The man walk back in the room after awhile and looks at her .

" you look disgusting " he takes the plate and glass and puts it away

" well that's probably because I haven't took a shower in 3 days and have dirt and blood all over me from you stupid pigs " Lucy argue back

The man just laughs

" what's so funny ? " Lucy asks

" you're so much like your mother in more then one way " the man smirks at her

" do you know my mother ? " Lucy finally ask

" hm ? Of course I do , and I also know your father " the man comments back

" well since your done eating , we should get started . " the man then grabs Lucy and takes her outside

Lucy looks around and she doesn't recognize anything around her , and she doesn't see how she can escape since there are so many guards , and also because she still taped up .

The man put her down on a chair and calls a couple men over and ask them to watch her and make sure she doesn't move , and then he walks off .   

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