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(  sorry I erased it 😭😂 )

Normal pov

After Lucy and natsu kissed , all three of them went back inside. Gray went to his bed, while Lucy went to hers but with a pink headed boy following her .
She turned around and gave him a weird look .

" natsu ? What are you doing ? "
" I - I want to sleep with you . " natsu said with a pink face

Lucy's face was redder then erzas hair

" uh , erm " Lucy kept stuttering from embarrassment
" Lucy , please I haven't slept with you in so long , and we're - we're lovers now right ? I miss you , and I - I love you " natsu says while now blushing

" o-ok " Lucy says while scooting over in her futon ( um is that what they are called ? )
Natsu bent down and laid in the futon with her .
Lucy's back was against natsu stomach so he decided to put his arm around her , which she tensed up .

" calm down , it's ok " natsu whispers in his lovers ear

----------- morning ----------

Lucy's pov

I wake up before natsu and everyone else, so I decided to go take a bath .
I grab some extra clothes and a towel .
I walk to the bath house and I run into someone and drop all my stuff .

" AHH " as I try to pick all my stuff up me and the other person touch hands as we pick my towel up .

" uh , um I'm so sorry " I say extremely embarrassed
" no , I'm sorry "
" rouge ... " I say nervously
" Lucy " he says smiling

Ah great , just the person I didn't want to see right in the morning, but I guess it's the best time to get it out the way .

" can - can we talk ? " I say holding all my stuff
" sure " rouge says

Me and rouge walks to a private spot In the inn, I set my stuff down and sit , I pat a spot for him, he sits down and I look over and oh god he looks more nervous then me .

" l-Lucy I - "
" rouge " I say interrupting him
" y-yes "
" this isn't easy to say ... but I need to get this out the way "
" ok .. " he says quietly
" I love natsu , and me and him are together now . * his face looked so hurt right now * please don't look so hurt , I'm sure you're going find someone who loves you for you , I mean I like you , I really do but it's more like a friend , I'm sure one day you're going find a wonderful girl , you're an amazing guy , you really are , I remember I was scared of you and everything in the beginning, but once I got to know you I wasn't , I like to be around you and your fun and funny and you're also quite handsome . But I do love natsu and I always have , and I'm sorry .. " I finish with another apology
" it's - it's ok , I get it , thank you " rouge says while walking away

I pick my things up and walk to the bathhouse .
" ah jeez , his face looked so hurt "
" who's face " a short blue hair girl says
" levy !  Ah you scared me "
" ah sorry , but who's face " levy says with a smirk

Me and levy go to the bathhouse and I tell her everything , from sting to natsu to gray and so on .

" sooo you and natsu are official " levy says excitedly

" y-yes " I say blushing

" oh my !!!!! I'm so happy " she says while hugging me

Me and levy get out and get dressed and return to the room with everyone for breakfast .

Everyone starts to Pack their things to head back to fairytale .
We all start walking back to our guilds , me and natsu holding hands , which is the best thing ever .

" natsu " I say squeezing his hand
" yes " he looks over
" I um thank you "
" for ? "
" everything " I say while smiling at him
he pecks my lips and runs off to gray

" ah jeez . " I say blushing

------ few hours later ------

We return to the guild and we open the door and everyone looks at us

" LUCY " the guild screamed
" I'm home " I say while smiling

The end lol

Ok omg yay an update aha so I'm going to end the story here , I think it's an ok ending , anyways thanks to everyone who stayed with me for this story (:

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