Lucys week part 1

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One week ago

Normal p.o.v

" Wh-where am I ?  Ouch my body hurts so bad . "

Lucy starts to move and then notice  her arms and legs are chained up. 

" Wh- what the ?! " Lucy screams
" HELLO ?! Is anyone here " Lucy shouts

Lucy starts to hear some foot steps and then a door creak open, she hears those same foot steps getting closer and closer, she acts like she is still passed out.

" well hello little girl " a strange voice that Lucy has never herd before talks

" oi, I herd you screaming down here , stop acting like your sleeping " the strange mans says while giving Lucy a punch to the face

" nng " Lucy groans while looking up at the man

" well look who's awake " the man says whiling taking Lucy chin into his palm and gives a creepy smirk

" you're Lucy heartfilia , are you not ? " the man says her name with a disgusting smile on his face

Lucy's just stares at him doesn't say a word

The man again gives Lucy a punch in her face but a little harder this time .

" ngggh " Lucy's growns

" well are you Lucy heartfilia ? "

" I am , and you are ? " Lucy says while her mouth starts dripping blood

" I see you don't remember me little Lucy " the man says while patting her head then walking up stairs

" what - what the hell is going on ? Where am I ?! " Lucy begins to cry

Day 2

" good morning little Lucy " a man says while throwing water at her to wake her up

Lucy screams from the ice cold water

Lucy sees its the same man from yesterday but he has two other people with him .

" wow , you look just like your mother " one of the men say

Lucy looks at him with shock but then disgust in her eyes .

The men start to laugh

" well Lucy you have a long line of great wizards on your mother side , and we have actually seen you fight before , you're not as good as them , but with some more training you will be amazing " a man says with a smirk on his face

" also we will train your hand to hand combat " another man says

Lucy looks down and just wishes she could escape from here

A man then walks over and grabs her arm pulls out a needle and put it in her arm and starts to push down for the drug can go into her body.

Lucy starts to kick,punch , scream anything to get the guy away and this shot really hurt , but not for long because Lucy found her self getting really really tired ..

To be continued ...

Hey guys . I'm sorry it look me forever to update , when I got back from my vacation my sleeping schedule was so messed up . And I'm also getting sick gah ..
But thank you guys for reading

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