Cant sleep

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Erza pov

I guess I can go back to the inn and meet up with everyone , ah what a nice bath would do right now after a long look out .
" thank you miss for today , we will see you tomorrow " says a guard
" you're welcome " says Erza smiling

Normal pov

It was  10:30 ish

" goodnight guys , I'm going to bed I'll see you tomorrow morning "  says Lucy while yawning

" goodnight " says both guys

" I think imma go to bed as well " says natsu

Erza just got home ..

" hey gray where is natsu and Lucy " says Erza

" hm oh they went to bed " gray says

" you're not tired ? " says Erza

" nah " Erza says

" well I'm about to go hope in the hot springs " Erza says

Erza walks to the hot springs while gray walks outside .

About an hour past

* opens door *

" oh hey gray , you can't sleep either ? " says Lucy

" hm no " says gray

" you okay ? What's on your mind ? " says Lucy while walking next to him

" I'm just thinking about today " says gray

" oh about the fight between me and natsu ?? " says Lucy

" hm yeah and what happen on the train with the sabers " says gray

" what happen with them ? " says Lucy

" it's just how sting was acting , like - ummm nvm .. " gray says

" Come on tell me " says Lucy

" just how he was acting all high and mighty because he was with you the other night . And it really pissed me off , like I know you're an amazing girl and anyone would be Lucky to have you and it just pissed me off how he was acting " says gray

* blush *

" uh Lucy ?? " said gray

" you think I'm amazing ? " says Lucy

" huh , uh ... Y-yeah ... I mean um yes you are amazing .. " says gray while blushing really hard

" t-thank you " says Lucy

* moves hand closer to Lucy *

* Looks at each other *

" um Lucy I really l - "

" awe hey you still haven't went to bed ? "  says Erza

* jumps *

" no , I can't sleep " says gray

" oh hey Lucy " says Erza

" hey Erza ... " says Lucy

" so tomorrow night  who want to be on watch until the guards get there ? " says Erza

" just have natsu do it " says gray

" well imma go in side I'm getting tired , goodnight gray , goodnight Erza " says Lucy

" goodnight " says Erza/gray

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