Good girl

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------ afternoon ------

I haven't really did anything I just relaxed in this bedroom , they said I can stay in it as long as I was a good girl . So I won't try anything ... Not yet at least .

Rider came in with a tray , it was a glass of water and some purple and blue pills .

" what are these " I pointed to the pills

" oh the purple one is for your body and the blue Is for your head aches "

I took the pills and the water and swallowed them .

Only if I knew what those pills actually were and what they would do to me but I had no idea ....

About two hours later I felt pretty tired so I took a nap .

Riders pov

Lucy should be asleep by now so me and some other guys walked in her room , they gave me my tolls that I need .

I gave Lucy a shot , then took my gloves off and do what I usually do .

I felt a little nervous this time , I really do hope she would be ok ...

I put my gloves on and tell everyone lets go .

One of the guys ask what the pills were for .

" Well the blue one was for her head , it shouldn't hurt so bad every time I use my   Magic on her . "

" what's the purple one for ? " a guy asked

" it double the strength of my magic , it should work much faster now . "

Rider pov

Me and the men walked out the room, I still felt really nervous, I hope she going be ok.

I only used these pills a few times, and half of the people I used them on didn't wake up for weeks and one time someone didn't wake up at all .

" please be ok "

" what was that rider ? "

" nothing ... Let's get going "

------------ back to the inn -----------

" WHERE THE HELL IS SHE ! " Natsu yelled

" calm down Natsu " erza said


" NATSU ! We understand how you feel ! We are trying are hardest , we have been searching and asking everyone around town , no one has seen her " erza said sadly at the last part

" what if she isn't even in this town ? What if they moved her to another town ? " sting suggested

" that is possible... " erza commented

" well .... Why won't some of us stay here and then some of us go to the town over and look for her ? " gray suggested

" yes , maybe we should do that , and if we find her or need help we can always use my cards to get in contact " kana/cana said
( I just spelled it both ways because some people get mad when I don't spell it the way they do .-. )

" alright , who's going and who's staying ? " sting said

" I'm going, I'm going to save her  " Natsu said

" I'm going to save her " sting said while staring at Natsu

" we all want to save her . " erza said

" don't be selfish . " rouge said while staring at Natsu and sting

" selfish ? I'm not being selfish ! She's mine ! " Natsu yelled out

" she's not yours ! " sting grabbed Natsu and was about to punch him until gray stepped in

" both of you stop . Stop letting your feelings get in the way " gray said

" gray ! " Natsu shouted

" I know how you feel ! But stop being selfish , we need to find Lucy ! Something could be happening to her right now , and you guys are being selfish because you're letting your feelings get in the way . " gray said while walking out side

* cough cough *

" ok , I will decide the teams and we will head out tomorrow morning, everyone get your stuff packed and head to bed , we're getting up early . " erza said

To be continued ...

Hey guys ! Sorry there not much rolu or stinglu, but I'll get there . I promise lol .

Well I'll try to update in a few days (:

If you like anime follow my anime account on Instagram
@ animes.xo

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