Lucy week .

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Lucys pov

I woke up and it was morning , and once again my head was hurting , my throat was dry and my body was in pain , what I would kill for a hot shower and a tall glass of water , but I'm in chains all dirty .

I hear someone walk down stairs and it was rider .

" good morning Lucy , how are you feeling ? " rider said in a nice tone

" my head hurts , and I'm thirsty " I comment back instead of ignoring him

" if you be a good girl we can get you a shower and something to drink. "

I thought to my self for a minute. Maybe if I get them to trust me, I don't have to be chained up and I can get out .

" alright " I agreed to be a " good girl "

Rider walked over to me and un-chained my hands and my legs.

" alright let's go " rider said while taking my arm and walking up stairs

He took me to the bathroom and told me to give him my clothes for he can wash them, and he would bring me some spare ones . I did as he said , I'll be a " good girl"

I took my clothes off and turned the shower on and put the towel In front of me , and handed rider my dirty clothes , I put the towel on the toilet , and stepped in the shower . It felt amazing . I looked down and you could see all the dirty and blood coming off of my body

----- a few minutes later ------

I got out the shower and seen a new pair of clothes on the counter . I put the underwear on , jean shorts and the black tank top . I walked out the bathroom and there were guards standing by the bathroom . They walked me to the kitchen , and it smelt so good . I sat down and rider handed me a plate of food ,
Eggs with cheese , toast , bacon , potatoes, and a glass of oj. The food taste amazing . Rider sat down across from me and just stared at me .

" what ? " I said looked at him weird

" hmm nothing , you just look so much like her "

" who ?? "

" your mother "

" you know her ? "

" yes , I thought we told you we know both your parents "

" how do you know them ? And why am I even here ? "

" well we are old friends and business partners "

" oh kaay ? So why am I here ? "

" we need you "

" for ? "

" a wa-- "

" rider ! " a man yelled

Rider jumped up and smiled at me and said he would be right back .
So far I know , they were friends of my parents and business partners so I'm guessing something to do with my father, but what ? And why am I here , what did he get his self into ... And I guess now I'm getting dragged into this .

To be continued ...

Hey guys (: sorry I haven't updated In awhile . But here's the new chapter . Hope you guys enjoy and thank you for 42k reads (: means a lot
And the title is ( Lucys week ) because she has been there for a whole week now (: and the others are like Lucys part 1 - 6 so yeah ^__^ just explaining lol

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