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Grey pov

I woke up an hour before we had to . I walked out side and just looked up at the sun rise, and started thinking .

" I miss you " I say out loud and take a deep breath

" miss who ? " a guy said and also scaring grey

" AH ! You scared ! "

" sorry about that ... So who do you miss ? "

" Lucy ... " I said taking another deep breath .

" I heard your like a brother to her ? "

" well yeah ... We have a good relationship . " I say and scratch the back of my head

" hey I'm sorry about my brother "

" oh yeah ... Sorry about Natsu, they're letting their jealousy get in the way "

" yeah . I know how they feel but I'm trying to keep calm for we can find her faster but , we have no idea where she even is ... "

" yeah same . It's hard keeping calm when they person you love is missing and you have no idea what to do ... "

" yeah... Wait what ? Do you love her ? "

" yes , yes I do " grey said

---------------back to Lucy ---------------

Lucys pov

I woke up pretty early , it's only 6 am
I walk down the hall and into the kitchen and make some food .
I turn the light on and I see there is someone sleeping in the kitchen .

" that must be uncomfortable " I laughed a little

I walked over to see who it was and it was no other then rider

" hey " I say in a low voice and shake him , I do it a couple of times , he finally wakes up

" Lucy ? " rider says while rubbing his eyes

" yes ? "

" your - your ok ? "

" yes ? Why wouldn't I be "

" well uh ... You been waking up with head aches lately and I just wanted to know if that medicine worked ? "

" oh yes ! I totally forgot ! It worked very well ! Thank you very much rider . "

" you're welcome , well why are you up so early ? "

" I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep . So um we were talking the other day ... About my mom .. "

" oh yeah .... Your mom .. "

" how did you know her ? "

" well ... I wasn't just business partners with your father , I was friends with your mother . "

" you were ? "

" yes ... Back in high school we became friends .. And well you know "

" did you fall in love with my mother ? "

" well I did ... But she met your father before I could say anything ... And over the years we just stayed friends "

" oh I see ... Well shall I make us breakfast ? " I said while walking to the fridge

----------back at the inn ----------------

Everyone started getting up and taking there baths for the day and eating , after all that they headed to one room to talk about the plan .

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