Dont mess with them!

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Normal pov
" Lucy ! " Natsu shouts
" Y-yes ? " She replies
" Tell us what happen last night . " Natsu says
" Well um after you left sting showed up and - "
" WHAT ? You let him come in ? "Natsu says angrily
" Why are you getting upset ? " Lucy asks
" Because ! You confessed to me then I came over and you confessed to me again and then now your messing around with sting ?! Did you guys kiss ? Are you guys dating ! " Natsu shouts
" HUH ?! Noo
* even though we were close to kissing but my phone rang *
We are not dating and we did not kiss, and I'm not messing around With him, he went home like an hour or two later he was just trying to cheer me up ! I was crying and heart broken , so he wanted to comfort me ! Why are you getting so mad ?! You rejected me ! " Lucy shouts back.
" OK ! Well he's not right for you ! And I'm your best friend so I'm just trying to look out for you ! " Natsu says
" How do you know he's not right for me ? He's a decent guy ! You don't even know him ! " Lucy says angrily
" LUCY !!! " Natsu yells
" What natsu ! What ! You only know them from the gmg ! And we all know why they acted like that ! Not everyone is like are guild, they were all about power but now they changed ! Sting is the new master and it's turning into a nice guild ! " Lucy says
" Lucy please just stay away from them please " natsu says with a really sad look on his face
" natsu " Lucy says
" yes " natsu says while looking down
Lucy walks over to natsu and hugs him
Natsu hugs back
" I'm sorry " Lucy says
" no no I'm sorry for getting jealous " natsu says
They stop hugging and sit down to eat

Everything was back to normal
Gray and natsu are fighting again like always Lucy is just laughing at them, they stop fighting and look at her and ask her what's so funny
" oh nothing , I'm just glad everything okay now, I hate when we fought " Lucy says
" yeah " natsu says while smiling

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