The talk

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Lucy's pov

Ugh why can't I stop thinking about him, this is making me so upset.
" huh who is at my door at this time "

* opens door *

" uh hey natsu " says nervously
" hey Lucy, can we talk " natsu replies
Hmm he didn't call me Luce he called me Lucy and he said can we talk, oh my god this is it. He hates me.
" um yeah come in " replies back
" okay so uh how do you feel about me ? "
" HUH ! " I say confused
" how do you feel about me ? When we were at the inn you told me you loved me and everything but you were also drunk so... " natsu says
" I did what " I reply embarrassed
" so uh how do you feel about me ? Do you love me ? " natsu says
* Deep breath *
" yes... I - I - I LOVE YOU NATSU "
* silence *
" natsu ? " I say nervously
* silence *
" nat- su ? " I say again
" um... I'm not sure how I feel about you, your my best friend that's all I know for sure " natsu replies sadly
* silence *
" Lucy , I'm , I'm - I'm sorry "
* natsu runs out the door *
* Lucy falls to the ground breaks into tears *
* sob , sob , sob *

Stings pov

Okay Almost at Lucy's place, huh isn't that natsu ? What the hell is he running for? Mmm whatever, okay I think this is her place.
* walks up stairs to her room, sees door open *
" Lucy ! LUCY ! are - are you okay ?! What happen . "
Why is she on the floor ? Why is the door wide open ?! What's going on !
Wait is she crying ?!
" Lucy , are you okay?

Lucy's pov

After natsu left I just completely broke down , I fell to the floor and I couldn't even move or talk all I could do was cry , and then out of no where sting shows up ! Out of everyone it's a saber? I can't even answer his questions, and I tried to hold my tears in but I just let everything out and now he knows I'm crying, what else could go wrong.

Stings pov

What do I do, she crying ! How do you comfort a girl, uh okay I know.

* sting kneels down by Lucy and hugs her*

" it's okay Lucy , everything going be okay, I don't know why your crying but I'm here for you , you can just cry in my chest "

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