the dream

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Rider walks out of Lucy's room back to the kitchen .

" Is it done rider ? " John asked

" She falling asleep right now, I'll go in there and erase some more memory's and put some in there. "
Everyone went back to talking but rider went to his room to pray that, that pill will not hurt Lucy any further than he has .

-------------- Lucy's dream --------------

" Huh is that me ? And ... who's that ? "

" Lucy ! Lucy ! " A boy called

" Huh ? " I turn behind me and see the same pink hair boy I saw with the other me .

I turn back and the other me and the boy is gone, i turn back around and the boy is gone .

" What is going on ? Who is that "

The world starting spinning and then I was back at my old mansion and I was in front of my mother grave but there was another me again .

Then I hear four voices calling my name .

A red head, the pink hair boy again and a shirtless boy ( 😉 yum , kidding ...maybe ahah ) and a flying cat ....

" Who are they ? " I ask my self ..

The other me starts leaving with them and she looks really happy . I see she has a pink symbol on her hand , so I look at mine , but it seems like it's been burned off ....

" WHAT IS GOING ON ! " I start crying

The world once again starts moving

I'm in a bed room now , and I see me but with a blonde boy ...

" He doesn't deserve you " I heard the blonde boy say

" Who ? " I say very confused

I just watch me and the blonde boy and then we almost kiss ! But the phone rang ...

"Omg " I start blushing

The world start turning once again I see me with a pink frog ...

Then a see me with a black hair guy ...

" Ouch my head ! " I start yelling

I ended up in a white room
I look up and see people start showing up .

The red head , pink hair boy , the shirtless guy , the blonde boy, the black hair guy. And many more people.

" Who are these people ? "

Then I show up ...

" Get out of there " she says

" Where " I say

" You need to run "

" From who ?! "

" These are your friends , you're a mage at fairy ... "

--------- end of dream ----------

I woke up very confused

I was sweating and crying .

" Whats going on ?! Who where they ? "

" Ugh mu head ! "

I hear a knock at my door again and it makes me jump

" Hi Lucy . You ok ? " Rider says

I just see him and stare

To be continued ...

Hey guys , well I hope you enjoy these two chapters

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