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" lucy i'm sorry " rider keeps apologizing

" what's going on " i say still very confused

" i'll take you back , i promise " rider says while getting closer to me

" d-don't get any closer " i say while i'm pressed against the wall

" lucy ... i - i never meant to hurt you , i'm so sorry " rider apologizes again while getting on his knees

" n-natsu .. " i say while remember the mall

rider looks up at me a little confused

" take me out " lucy says while standing up

" okay .. " rider agrees

" i have it " natsu says happily

" have what ? " the two teams say while looking at him funny

" i have her scent "

" well why are we still here then ?! let's go ! " kana says

the two teams walk out of the inn and on the hunt for lucy .

------------------- ^__^ ---------------

" where are you guys going ? " john says

" i'm taking lucy out "

" after what happen ? " john shakes his head

" i feel better ! i got lots of sleep and ate , i won't faint this time " lucy says while grabbing on john arm

" a-alright then ... be back in a few hours " john agrees to let them go

rider and lucy walk out the door and back to the mall where she saw natsu


" they went back ? " natsu says confused

" went back ? " grey says

" the mall , the same place where i saw them "

" it must be a trap " grey says

" maybe , but i'm still going " natsu says while continuing to the mall


" so rider .. " lucys says finally looking at rider

" yes "

" why ? why did you guys take me ? "

" well i'm not completely sure .. all i know is that they needed you for a war .. "

" for a war ? "

" yes , on your mother side of the family , you have very strong magic "

" magic ... my keys . where are my keys "

rider smiles at lucy and then takes some stuff out of his pocket

" here " rider says while saying some weird words

" what did you say ? "

" they had a magic on them for they couldn't escape " rider explains

lucy holds her keys close and starts to cry

" LUCY "

" huh ? who's calling my name " i start looking around

me and rider stand up and start walking towards the voices that are calling me

" LUCY "
" lucy "
" LUCY "

we finally get to the voices and i see that pink hair that i love so much

" natsu " i say smiling

nastu runs up to me and hugs me

" i love you lucy " natsu says while squeezing me

to be continued ...

omg hey guys ! i'm so sorry it's been so long ! i've been so busy with school -.- got my grades back on friday i'm doing pretty good
got three A and one C and one B . we only have five classes but i'm so tired at the end of the day . i'll try to update every weekend , if not post on my wall thing and remind me aha . well i hope you enjoyed this chapter , i'm a little rusty . anyways comment what you think and what you been up to (:

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