New feelings?

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Normal pov

Lucy Laid in bed and thought about sting, she thought about how warm he was and how kind he actually can be. She felt something in her chest, it wasn't painful but it was weird and it made her hot. After 20 minutes Lucy fell to sleep.

Natsu pov

Oh my god, Lucy loves me, what am I going to do? I don't even know how I feel about her. I know she my best friend and I would do anything to protect her but I don't know if it's the same as being in love. Ugh what am I going to do, and also if gray finds out that I made her cry he's going kill me.

Stings pov

Okay okay , calm down we didn't kiss, well we almost did but we didn't and I don't even like her. Well not like that ... I mean she is really pretty and an amazing girl but ugh WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH ME.
* slaps *
Okay I'm just going to go home and go to bed.

Normal pov

Sting walks home and walks in to his bedroom and find rogue in his room.
Sting thinks to his self oh shit.

Rogue and stings conversation
" where have you been " rogue says
" oh uh no where " say while rubbing the back of his head
" you're lying " he says
" okay if I tell you, you can't laugh " sting says serious
" okay " he replies
" okay so I went to go check on blondie, I saw her door wide open so I ran in there and I saw her on the floor "
" is she okay, what happen " rogue says with a little more emotion
" huh oh yeah and she was crying so I went over to her and I let her cry on my chest for awhile then after she was done I talked to her, and I guess she was in love with that baka "
" Baka ? Who " rogue says kinda angry
" NATSU ! "
" okay so what happen next after she told you "
" uhh well " he says nervously
" what happen " rogue says
" okay well I told her that she shouldn't cry over that Baka and that she really beautiful and that she looks really good with a smile and then uhh .. "
" then what !! " rogue kinda yells
" we kissed , well we almost did "

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