Lucy !

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Normal p.o.v

Lucy starts to back away from erza , erza is about to go completely nuts from nastu and gray fighting.

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DUMBASSES DOING ?! " erza screams on top of her lungs

Erza jumps up on the rooftop where nastu and gray were, nastu and gray were so busy fighting they didn't notice erza at all.

Natsu and gray come in for a punch and they end up punching erza in the face .
You could see a demon rising, erza grabbed nastu and grays head and smashed it together, nastu and gray fell to the ground.
Erza stomped on nastu stomach calling him a stupid dumbass and then returned the same pain towards gray.

" what the hell is wrong with you to morons ?! " erza says angrily

Nastu and gray both look away.
Erza smacks both of them.
" BAKA ! "

" you guys are such idiots ! Why do you guys alw... "

" HEY HEY ! HELP ! " happy yells while flying towards erza, nastu , and gray

" what wrong happy ? " nastu ask

" LU- LUCE ! " happy yells whole crying

" WHAT HAPPEN ! " gray yells

" we- we were watching erza stop you and then the thief from the job showed up and took the gems and Lucy tried to stop them but there were to many guys !!! They look Lucy ! And he wasn't any thief is also a wizard ! " happy days while crying

Team nastu runs towards the shop and sees the shop is some what destroyed.
Erza, nastu/happy , and gray split up and go look for Lucy and the thiefs .

After an hour of searching they meet back up at the inn.

" I couldn't find her any where, I couldn't even pick up her scent " nastu says worriedly

" same here " gray says

" yeah, same " erza says

" what are we going to do ??!! " nastu says

" we will say here for a little while and if we can't find her in a week we will go back to the guild and ask for help. " erza says

* one week later *

Erza , nastu , and gray wake up in a very depressed mood, they pack there things and head back to the guild.

* few hours later *

Nastu , gray and erza walk into the guild and of course it was lively as ever , the guild welcomes them home with smiley faces and laughter.

The guild notice they are very upset and a few people walk up to them and ask them what's wrong, they ignored them and walked up to the master office .

To be continued...

Hey guys (-: I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever :-(
I'm leaving for Cali in 5 days ^_^
Also I made a new fanfic , if you like ereri and yaoi go read it (-:
Thank you guys for reading my story and thank you for 11k reads ^_^

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