The fight

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" what the hell sting ! You know I like her and you did that ! " rogue yells and pins sting the wall
" what you never said you liked her ! " sting yells back
" remember when fro got lost and then she return him I even told you about us hanging out and everything " rogue yells
" I didn't know you liked her ! It's to late now ! " sting yells back
" why is it to late ! " rogue yells
" because I'm going to win her heart ! " sting yells
" so will I ! " rogue yells back and walks out the room

Rouge pov

What the hell, he always gets the girls ! And now he wants to take the one girl I really want. I'm not going let him win this.

Sting pov

I'm going to win her heart .... Did I really just say that...

Normal pov

Sting and rogue went to bed, Natsu walked back to the guild to get happy but he was surprised when he saw gray was waiting at the front .

Grays and Natsu conversation

" So what happen " gray says
" huh , nothing " Natsu says
" you're lying, what happen " gray says while hitting the doors
" ugh your so nosey " Natsu says
" hey flame brain like I said if I found out that you made her cry I will kill you, I'm going to go ask her tomorrow if you won't tell me " gray says
" oh my god okay , ICE PRINCESS , I don't know if she cried or not I left after are conversation was over " Natsu says
" so what was it about " gray said
" God your so nosey , she confesses to me while we were at the inn but she was pretty drunk so I asked her again tonight and she told me she loved me and I told her I don't know how I feel about her " Natsu says
" BAKA BAKA BAKA !!! " grays yells and hits Natsu on the back of the head and walks off
" what the hell was that for ! " Natsu yells

Normal pov

Everyone went home Natsu laid in bed and started thinks about the conversation between him and Lucy .
I don't know what to do, how can I even see her tomorrow , Natsu said . Whatever I'll figure this out later
Goodnight happy  

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