What happen!

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Lucy's pov

" Hey gray, natsu ? "
" Yeah " says gray and natsu
" are you guys oaky ? You barley even talked today and you guys seem really distracted " Lucy says
" yeah I'm fine " gray says
" natsu ? " Lucy calls and looks at him
" what " natsu says kinda annoyed
" what's wrong ? " Lucy asks
" nothing " natsu says while looking away
Lucy crawls over towards natsu and looks at his face and says
" natsu tell me what's wrong , I know somethings wrong I can see it all over your face "
" JUST LEAVE ME ALONE " natsu yells
Lucy stands up and walks out side

Grays pov
" hey bro, don't you think that was a little to harsh ? "
* says nothing *
" stop ignoring me, you're acting childish " grays says
" I'm fine " natsu says
" I know you're not fine , and I completely know why, it's kinda making me mad as well " gray says
" why won't you go get Lucy for we can talk to her and also you should apologize for yelling at her " grays says

Normal pov

Natsu walks out side and sees Lucy
" uh hey Lucy, I'm sorry for yelling at you, I didn't mean to " natsu says while running the back of his head
" it's oaky .. " Lucy's says
Natsu takes Lucy hand and brings her back in side

" hey Lucy " gray says
" yes " Lucy replies
" we need to talk to you " gray says
" alright , what is this about ? " Lucy ask kinda confused
" natsu go ahead " gray says
" W- WHAt !? Why me ? " natsu says
" yeah you probably won't even know how to say it " grays says 
" what are you trying to say ice princess " natsu says Angrily
" just shut up flame brain and let me just tell her " gray says

Grays pov

Okay so Lucy the reason why me and natsu are both annoyed today is because of sting.
" huh ? What does he have to do with anything ? " says Lucy
When we were on the train he said something about last night and when we first ran into him both of your faces were red and you guys didn't even look at each other, he didn't say what happen last night but he did say he went over to your place last night so what did you guys do ?

Normal pov
Lucy's face started to get really red
Gray and natsu looked at her all suspiciously .

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