Why is she so happy?

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The next day

Normal pov

Lucy woke up in high spirits, she couldn't stop smiling, she totally forgot about getting rejected by natsu.
She took a shower, got dressed,grabbed her keys and whip, and walk to the guild.
When she open the doors she walked to the bar while smiling. She sat down and order a strawberry shake.

Natsu pov

Natsu and happy gets up , gets ready and walks out the door, they walk to the guild & natsu is stressed about seeing Lucy, he knows he made her cry and he knows he's going get beaten by cry and her friends.
Natsu walks in the guild
Takes a few breathe , and look around and sees Lucy at the bar , he sees she smiling like nothing happen last night .
" what the ? "

Lucy's pov

Lucy hears the door open and sees Natsu , she now remember what happen last night , she slaps her face and walks over to Natsu .
" hi Natsu, wanna take a little job ? I need to pay my rent soon " Lucy says while giving puppy dog eyes
" huh oh .. Sure " Natsu says kinda confused
" okay !! I'll go pick the job "  Lucy says while running over to the board

Normal pov

Natsu goes sit down , gray walks over to him and sits across from him and just looks at him.
" what " Natsu says
" she seems in high spirits, did you go over to her place after we talked ? "
" hmm no .. I don't know why she all happy , but we're going on a job , so can you go get erza and Wendy " Natsu replies
" Wendy went with another team " gray says
" oh okay , well can you go get erza " Natsu asks
Gray gets up and walks over to tell erza
Natsu lays his head down and just stares at Lucy and tries to think why she would be so happy.
Lucy's walks over to Natsu sits down and says
" okay I found a job, we have to find this guy name velveno and its reward is 4,000,000 j "
Team Natsu went to tell mira that there taking the job and so team Natsu walked to the train station, of course Natsu started complying , then Lucy bumps into someone and falls to the floor, " ouch " Lucy says , team Natsu sees that she fell and they started to get heated and about to start a fight but Lucy tells them to calm down because it's only ...
- wait till next chapter , and I'm sorry that I haven't been updating I was pretty sick - 

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