Lucys week part 4

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Normal p.o.v

Lucy sits in the chair , trying to think of an escape plan, and a idea popped in her head.

" excuse me guard ? " Lucy said sweetly

The guard looked over at her and hummed as a response.

" I really got to go the the bathroom . " Lucy starts crossing her legs and fidgeting.

The guards look at each other for a minute and then grab her by the arm and takes her to the bathroom .

" I can't go while I'm tied up, can I ! " Lucy holds her hands out .

" figure it out , don't try anything funny , we will be right out side. " the guards say while walking out the bathroom.

Lucy locks her self into a stall, and starts to bite at the tape on her hands .

- mean while out side -

The guy who took Lucy out side finally came back with some supplies .
He looked around for the blonde girl and the two guards he left her with, they were no where in site.
He started asking where they were, and finally after a few minutes someone knew, the guy fast walked to the bathroom, and saw the two guards standing there .

" what the hell are you guys doing ?! " the man started yelling

" she said she had to use the bathroom sir "

The man went into the bathroom and kicked open the stalls to only see Lucy trying to take the tape off .

He grabbed Lucy by the hair and started yelling at her .

" what the hell girl ? Trying escape ?! Well your little stunt didn't work and now your in more trouble then you think you are . "

The man dragged Lucy back to the house to the basement.

I'm going to un tie you, If you do anything , I will hurt you even more .

The man undid Lucy feet , also her hands , she then dashed to the stairs , she was Almost up until some grabbed her hair , she fell backwards , the man and Lucy fought , but at the end Lucy still got chained up .

" didn't I tell you not to do anything stupid ! " the man punched Lucy hard in the face

The man walked away to only Come back with a tray of weird objects.
And then another man walked in
He had short black hair , and a scar on his right side of his face .

" well hello Lucy , my name is rider " the man said while picking up a needle

The man walk towards Lucy and put the shot into her arm .

" this shot is just for you won't feel much pain . " the man then took off his gloves and put his hands to each side of Lucy's head

" wh- what are you doing ?! " Lucy screamed

The man then said some weird words and it seemed like white smoke was coming out of Lucy's head .    

To be continued ...

Hey guys sorry I haven't undated In awhile , I'll make another chapter just because i haven't updated ... And I'm sorry for misspelling

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